How to Prevent Colic in Babies

Words by Katherine Eustaquio
Published in Smart Parenting Website for

Colic is one of the most common conditions for babies.   A “colicky baby” is defined as “a baby that cries for three or more hours per day, at least three times per week, within a three month period.”

Colic usually starts when the baby is about two to three weeks old and begins to subside at three to four months of age.  In the US, surveys show that up to 40% of newborn infants have colic, making infantile colic one of the most common infant conditions.  While it is normal, it can be frustrating and stressful to parents.  Keep in mind that not all fussy babies have colic.  If you’re not sure if your baby is colicky, here are the common causes, symptoms, and treatments for colic.

What causes colic in babies?
  • Allergic reactions
  • Over stimulation
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) / Acid Reflux – a stomach and esophagus condition wherein stomach acid flows backward up to the esophagus because of a weak valve.  This irritates the throat, lungs, and esophagus.
  • Gas-producing foods – a mother’s diet can cause excessive gas and bloating to breastfed babies
  • Excess air intake during feeding /crying – when babies cry or suck on their feeding bottles, they swallow air and this can heighten bloating and discomfort.
  • Premature digestive system – with premature digestive muscles and the absence probiotics, the body is still learning the flow on how to properly digest food.
  • What can be done to prevent or treat colic in babies?
  • Breastfeeding moms should avoid certain foods like cabbages, onions, broccoli, caffeine, and milk that can cause bloating in babies.
  • Follow your baby’s breastfeeding schedule.
  • Give him milk rich in probiotics that aid in proper digestion.
  • Make sure your baby burps after feeding.
  • Avoid over stimulation.  Instead, wrap him in a comfy blanket.
  • Soothe your baby with rhythmic and steady sounds and movements like sitting on a rocking chair with your baby or keeping the vacuum cleaner or washing machine running within earshot.  The steady rhythmic sound will help calm him down.
  • Try baby yoga. The periodic movements and soft music can help prevent colic in babies and improves the digestive and respiratory systems through muscles and posture exercises.   Baby yoga also develops the child’s motor skills, posture, balance, mind and body coordination, and bone growth.
  • Regular baby yoga sessions can effectively prevent colic and lessen sleepless nights when a colicky baby keeps crying and stressing you out.  Aside from improving the baby’s health, baby yoga also improves the communication and bond between mother and child, making it more than just a physical baby activity. Of course, make sure your child is wearing comfortable diapers fit for movement and baby yoga.  Make sure it’s Pampers Active Baby every time!

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