Home Website Pampers: Understanding your Active Toddler
Pampers: Understanding your Active Toddler
Kath C. Eustaquio-Derla April 11, 2017 0
Words by Katherine Castillo Eustaquio
Your baby’s growth and development consist of many stages and milestones. Of all these stages, the toddler years are the most dynamic and active because these are the years when your child learns his many firsts and develops physically, emotionally, and mentally.
Physical Development: As soon as your baby discovers the strength forming in his muscles, he will begin to crawl, roll over, walk, and eventually run. To support his increasing mobility, make sure he’s getting enough calcium to develop stronger bones. Baby exercise also plays a major role in physical development. A fun baby activity to try is Yoga Stretchycise where the simple body stretches work on baby’s balance, posture, reflexes, and mind and body coordination.
Mental Development: A toddler’s growing mind is just as active as his body. In this stage, your baby’s brain acts like a sponge that absorbs everything his senses can perceive. You will notice how your baby mimics your words and actions and how he shows interest in his environment and other people.
To help boost his brain development, make his playtime more interesting by introducing new baby activities. If your baby is always with stuffed animals and toy trains, try reading him an illustrated book or taking him outside to play at the park. Another interesting baby activity to try is baby yoga. The change of scene will not only spark his interest but will also give him new things to learn.
Emotional Development: This stage is when your baby is able to show his emotions for the first time. You will notice how he becomes wary of strangers and run to you for protection when he feels threatened. This is the stage that gets pretty emotional for most parents because despite the baby’s increasing mobility and independence, he still runs back to mom and dad.
Strengthen your emotional bond with baby activities that allow your toddler to move freely but still lean on your for support. The best baby activity to try is baby yoga. The yoga stretchycise moves help toddlers move in sync with their moms. The constant physical contact reaffirms the sense of a mother’s touch in a toddler’s brain and it also reminds them that mommy is always there to support them.
The toddler stage is a crucial part of your baby’s development because it’s when he’s eager to learn about his world. Make Yoga Stretchycise your partner in helping improve your toddler’s physical, mental, and emotional development. And in order to help him enjoy this amazing baby activity, make sure he’s wearing a diaper with stretchy sides that allow free movement—Pampers Active Baby.
Your baby’s growth and development consist of many stages and milestones. Of all these stages, the toddler years are the most dynamic and active because these are the years when your child learns his many firsts and develops physically, emotionally, and mentally.
Physical Development: As soon as your baby discovers the strength forming in his muscles, he will begin to crawl, roll over, walk, and eventually run. To support his increasing mobility, make sure he’s getting enough calcium to develop stronger bones. Baby exercise also plays a major role in physical development. A fun baby activity to try is Yoga Stretchycise where the simple body stretches work on baby’s balance, posture, reflexes, and mind and body coordination.
Mental Development: A toddler’s growing mind is just as active as his body. In this stage, your baby’s brain acts like a sponge that absorbs everything his senses can perceive. You will notice how your baby mimics your words and actions and how he shows interest in his environment and other people.
To help boost his brain development, make his playtime more interesting by introducing new baby activities. If your baby is always with stuffed animals and toy trains, try reading him an illustrated book or taking him outside to play at the park. Another interesting baby activity to try is baby yoga. The change of scene will not only spark his interest but will also give him new things to learn.
Emotional Development: This stage is when your baby is able to show his emotions for the first time. You will notice how he becomes wary of strangers and run to you for protection when he feels threatened. This is the stage that gets pretty emotional for most parents because despite the baby’s increasing mobility and independence, he still runs back to mom and dad.
Strengthen your emotional bond with baby activities that allow your toddler to move freely but still lean on your for support. The best baby activity to try is baby yoga. The yoga stretchycise moves help toddlers move in sync with their moms. The constant physical contact reaffirms the sense of a mother’s touch in a toddler’s brain and it also reminds them that mommy is always there to support them.
The toddler stage is a crucial part of your baby’s development because it’s when he’s eager to learn about his world. Make Yoga Stretchycise your partner in helping improve your toddler’s physical, mental, and emotional development. And in order to help him enjoy this amazing baby activity, make sure he’s wearing a diaper with stretchy sides that allow free movement—Pampers Active Baby.
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