Pampers: Tips for Parenting Toddlers

Words by Katherine Castillo Eustaquio

The toddler years are probably the most challenging of all stages in a child’s development.  Here are some helpful tips for parenting toddlers.

Tip#1:  Be patient. This is the first thing you need to learn when you have a toddler in the house.  Toddler must-dos like potty training take times.  So be prepared for setbacks.

Tip #2:  Make your home a toddler-safe environment. Child-proof your home.  Keep the glass items secured at the garage for a while and secure sharp furniture edges with some cloth and packaging tape.  Also keep the knives, sharp utensils, matches, and other chemical sprays out of your toddler’s reach.

Tip#3:  Secure an “Emergency Kit”. Active kids are prone to cuts and bruises so make sure you have a handy emergency kit on hand for first aid treatments.

Tip#4:  Stay positive and be a good example. A toddler’s brain is like a sponge that absorbs the things his senses can perceive.  Bad habits and negative emotions can easily be adopted by your child if he sees and feels them every day.  Keep the aura positive even if you need to scold your baby.

Tip #5:  Teach kids to be helpful at home. Simple rules like placing toys back at their proper places, disposing of trash properly, and carrying empty feeding bottles to the sink can help kids learn to be independent.  Have your kids help you at home by letting them mix pancake batter, filling their dessert plate with fruits, or by decorating baked cupcakes with sprinkles.

Tip #6:  Reward system. Kids are easy to please.  Rewarding them with simple things like small toys or an extra cupcake for being good will make them strive to be better.  Keep the rewards simple.

Tip #7:  Show them your love. Toddlers will start showing signs of independence by doing things on their own.  They will also show interest in other people but will still run to you when they feel threatened or uneasy in the midst of strangers.  Ensure your child that you are always there to keep him safe.

Tip #8:  Follow a routine. When you have a daily routine at home, the easier it is for your child to know what to expect at specific times of the day.  When the schedule sinks in, the lesser the chances that he will throw tantrums.

Tip #9:  Play together. Spend quality time during play time.  This way, you get to steer your child’s energy into something creative.  Learn new things during playtime like Yoga Stretchycise.  The simple body stretches will help you and your baby bond and stay healthy.  Of course, make sure he’s wearing a diaper with stretchy sides that allow free movement like Pampers Active Baby.  Play time can be best enjoyed if your baby is comfortable with his diaper.

Tip #10:  Enjoy it. Your child is a toddler just once.  Enjoy this dynamic phase to the fullest by having fun as you take care of an active toddler.

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