What You Should Know About Your Partner

Words by Katherine Castillo Eustaquio
Published in Total Fitness Magazine March 2013 issue

Whether it’s simply “for fun” or “for keeps”, when you’re already part of the late 20s to early 30s age bracket, there are a few things (some non-negotiable) that you should know about your partner.

While some are easy enough to ask, there are certain information that you need to discern through a series of events that you can, actually, plan yourself.  After all, you never really know where a relationship can lead, therefore, it is better to have most of the cards laid out in front of you than be surprised with the joker card years into your affair.  Here are some of those things that you just really need to know.

Blood Type
Level of Challenge: Easy
Sure, you are his type. Sure, you have successfully ensnared his heart. But honey, do you know his blood type? For practical reasons that go way beyond emergency blood donations, knowing your partner’s blood type is essential if you’re the type who already has a list of potential baby names.

MacGyver: Is he a problem-solver?
Level of Challenge:  Moderate
While it’s easy enough to know the answer to this one, your realization (and eventually, acceptance) can make or break your relationship. You don’t have to break things to see if he is Mr. Fix It, but when faced with a dilemma, regardless of magnitude, if your partner can plot out a solution, then he/she is for keeps. Ditch the whiners and the nega.

Pure Heart
Level of Challenge:  Moderate
Again, it’s easy enough to figure out but the realization has the power to change the way you will see your partner…forever.  Having a “pure heart” doesn’t mean you have to give alms to every homeless person you see on the streets. It means being able to distinguish the good intentions from the bad ones. Is your partner looking after his/her parents? Is he genuinely kind? Go figure.

Level of Challenge:  Hard
Not all people are open about their childhood. Some prefer to keep childhood dreams to themselves for fear of being judged or, worse, deemed unsuccessful when compared to how they thought they would turn out in adulthood. However, it is important to find out about your partner’s childhood dreams and aspirations.  One’s childhood is full of signs, it’s scary. There may be an unfinished business there that a person feels he must conquer before he can really “grow up.”

Earning Capacity
Level of Challenge:  Hard
Nobody would tell you the actual figure. Except when you’re married and with kids, of course, you have to know. Would you let him burn wads of cash in a month anniversary dinner when you know he’s paying for a car loan? While you can’t really ask him/her straight out, the best way to figure this out is to check the industry rates, how long he has been with the company, and how he is with money when you’re not concerned. Knowing your partner’s earning capacity, or at least the bracket figures can make your relationship less stressful through financial adjustment.

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