Capture Moments: Tips for Travel Photography

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For writers, traveling without a journal is a no-no.  Having a journal where you can chronicle your travels and jot down your daily, spur-of-the-moment adventures is mandatory.  It allows you to capture your thoughts on papers so you won’t lose them in time and to memory.  Yes, having a journal when your travel is essential for writers.  For everyone else, bring a camera.

When you think of travel, the first narcissistic item that comes to mind is a camera.  Whether it’s a professional camera or a point-and-shoot or even a camera phone, not having a camera during your trip often causes you to feel so crappy to the point that you want to fly back home to get your camera or purchase one right then and there.

With today’s modern technology and its many applications, simple photos of every life taken with a smartphone camera can be transformed into a work of art with the help of photo editing applications like Instagram.  But for those who want to do it the hard way, here are some of the photography essentials that you should bring to make your travel photography experience worth it.

1. Wrist watch
Time plays a huge role in capturing perfect moments, like sunsets and sunrise and places that transform in specific times of the day.  Before you arrive at your destination, research on where you are going and the perfect photo angles you want to capture.  Set an alarm for specific times of the day that you want to capture in photographs.  Having a wristwatch with an alarm set is very important.

2.  Handy map.
If you find yourself in a place with no Internet signal, it’s essential to carry a good old-fashioned printed map for your own benefit.  Throw in a compass on your travel it for good measure.  Having said that, it is best that you research your destination prior to flying.

3.  Use a point-and-shoot (Compact) camera for fast-moving moments.
When traveling, it is often advisable to bring a compact camera.  Their small size allows you to pocket them or carry them around your neck so you can free your hands for more important things.  Another advantage is their compact lenses.  You won’t have to worry if a kid in your travel ground suddenly collides with you because there are no bulging lenses to be wary about.

Compact cameras are perfect for those fast-moving moments that you want to capture in an instant.  Your camera is so easy to locate you won’t have to bother with attaching the right lens or anything.  You just point the camera to your target scene and press the button.

If you find yourself not happy with the photo alignment, you can always crop the photo and tweak the colors on your laptop when you have the time.  The important thing is that you were able to capture the moment you have immortalized.

4. Zoom lens
If you’re an avid photographer, don’t forget to pack your zoom lens in your photography kit.  These work wonders when you’re trying to get a close-up shot of something that is hard to capture when you’re literally close to it.  Compact and phone cameras also have a built-in zoom lens but of course, don’t expect the photographs to be as sharp as the ones taken with a detachable one.  Good thing, there are several handy zoom lenses that can be added to compact cameras.

5. Use a polarizer.
A polarizer is a great camera add-on that takes care of annoying sun glare and reflections.  Want a bluer sea water?  Use this tool!  Of course, you can also fix these problems using design software like Photoshop.  But if you’re all for it, having a polarizer is a great add-on.

6. Get a mini tripod.
Tripods can both be a blessing and a pain in the ass.  Tripods are great when you have a good spot where you can pop it out and set up in leisure.  It’s a pain in the ass to carry and set up when you’re trying to capture fleeting moments.  Glad to know that there are mini tripods available in the market both for SLRs (professional cameras) and compact ones.

These mini tripods allow you to hold the camera in place in your hand.  For camera-loving young travels, mini tripods are perfect for those “hey I’m here” selfie photos.  Just set the timer, hold out your hand, and poof, instant Facebook timeline photo!

7. Use multi-shot feature for great action photos.
If you’re taking action shots, make sure you have in your camera a multi-shot feature.  This allows you to take photos fast so you capture each moment in different frames.  The best part?  They’re not blurry!

8. Always be prepared.
One of the best things about traveling is the fact that at any moment, even the simplest things can be picture-worthy.  Make sure that you know where you put things in your travel bag for easy access.

9. Capture what is local.
Many of the best travel photographs are scenes of everyday life that are most common to the place you’re in.  For instance, a close-up photo of a street vendor selling street food pad thai is just an intriguing as photos of their architecture and natural wonders.  Capture what is most common and local about the place.  Capture the experience.

10. Pack your passion and curiosity.
Whenever you go, take with you passion and creativity.  Photographs are just pictures on paper without passion.  The most moving photos of the world start with a person’s curiosity about what is unfamiliar to him but common to the place where he shot it.  Passion is the driving force that takes you from what you see and what you want others to see as well.

 Now that we have shared with you the basic items you need to pack in your travel photography kit, it is important to keep in mind that you need not bring so much when you wander.  Lighten your load, just bring the things you believe you would need and make do with that you have.  Remember, capturing moments isn’t just about having the right and necessary equipment, it’s about passion and wanderlust.

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