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Mastervilla Game / Articles
Kath C. Eustaquio-Derla April 11, 2017 0
Client: Mastervilla
Copywriter: Katherine C. Eustaquio
Type: Game / Articles
Shoe Article
Shoe Buyers are Modern Leaders
Are you always buying shoes? Whether you are an Adidas or a Nike loyalist, your shoe collection will not only bring you to great places someday but it will also shape you as a leader one day at a time.
A media company in New York made a study about the personality traits of different American consumers. They conducted a survey of 7,500 Americans and their habits of buying shoes.
According to the study, people who buy more than three pairs of shoes in a year are 50% more dynamic while 47% are more spontaneous. The study found out that shoe lovers and collectors have the qualities that good modern leaders possess because their sense of style, vision, and ideas are better than the rest.
Shoes give us a sense of satisfaction, even pride. And they give us good vibes. If you think about it, modern leaders are optimistic and aggressive. So if you find yourself wanting to buy those kick-ass Nike sneakers today or that fine Adidas pair tomorrow, don’t think of it as a waste of money. You have the qualities of a modern leader, and modern leaders-in-training need good pairs of shoes.
Shoes help shape future leaders. Now that’s a good excuse to buy new sneakers every two months!
Blazer / Coat Article
Go for the Classics: Adidas Jackets
Jackets make you look cool, literally. But admit it, there are some jackets that make you look so dorky some girls will pass you off as gay. There are a lot of everyday sweaters and jackets out there—you know the kind that carries cartoonish skull heads or the one that screams “emo” the moment you look at it? Sure, they’re inexpensive but you’ll end up looking just like everyone else. If you want to stand out from the pack and get the girls, go for the classics. They’re a bit pricey but they are good investments.
An example of the classics is the AC Milan Presentation Suit from Adidas. It features the classic Adidas logo, stripes, and the AC Milan logo. It comes in two colors: black and red. Whether you’re an athlete or not, you can wear it almost everywhere! For the sports buffs out there, this cool jacket is best for warming up for your game, partying with the guys afterward, and of course, getting the girls.
So if you can’t make up your mind as to what jacket to get, go for the classics. After all, they don’t call them classics for nothing.
Re-hashed Article
So You’re Hot and Sexy…But Are You Healthy?
Why are guys afraid of seeing their doctors? And even if they do feel something is wrong, they keep putting off their medical appointments. Doctors don’t bite. Sure, they prick, scrub, and poke. But they don’t bite. A routine check-up is a necessity, not a vanity. Even if you exercise regularly and you’re as fit as the models in Men’s Health Magazine, having a routine medical check-up is a must if you are really serious about your health. Here’s why:
Replacement for: Fat Men’s Get Up
Men’s Fashion Mistakes
My female friends usually complain that guys are so damn plain. With our clothes, that is. Since it’s always the standard shirt+jeans+sneakers for the average Joe, we try to play our look by adding jackets, belts, other apparel that we hope would make us look fly.
However, some guys tend to over-experiment and end up looking screwed. While there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to men’s fashion, here are some fashion mistakes that a big chunk of the guy populace is guilty of.
Very, Very Shiny Shoes
Unless you want to shine on the dance floor or blind your dinner date, refrain from wearing very, very shiny shoes to school or office. They make you look like a D.I. (dance instructor); a ballroom D.I. to be exact.
Glittery Shirts and Suits
Glitters are for girls. Shiny and shimmery shirts and suits don’t flatter.
Very Big, Very Loose-Fitting Clothes
Seriously, they make you look dumb. How? Can’t you read size labels? And they make you look sloppy.
Too Much Bling-Bling
Same with shiny shoes: unless you intend to blind the unassuming public, too much bling-bling is a no-no.
Very, Very, Very Tight Tees
Too tight tees pose a risk to your health. Just imagine, if someone douses you with cold water, your shirt would shrink and will eventually cut off your circulation. And unless you got the body, try to avoid wearing very, very, very tight shirts. They make you look rather unstable.
Copywriter: Katherine C. Eustaquio
Type: Game / Articles
Shoe Article
Shoe Buyers are Modern Leaders
Are you always buying shoes? Whether you are an Adidas or a Nike loyalist, your shoe collection will not only bring you to great places someday but it will also shape you as a leader one day at a time.
A media company in New York made a study about the personality traits of different American consumers. They conducted a survey of 7,500 Americans and their habits of buying shoes.
According to the study, people who buy more than three pairs of shoes in a year are 50% more dynamic while 47% are more spontaneous. The study found out that shoe lovers and collectors have the qualities that good modern leaders possess because their sense of style, vision, and ideas are better than the rest.
Shoes give us a sense of satisfaction, even pride. And they give us good vibes. If you think about it, modern leaders are optimistic and aggressive. So if you find yourself wanting to buy those kick-ass Nike sneakers today or that fine Adidas pair tomorrow, don’t think of it as a waste of money. You have the qualities of a modern leader, and modern leaders-in-training need good pairs of shoes.
Shoes help shape future leaders. Now that’s a good excuse to buy new sneakers every two months!
Blazer / Coat Article
Go for the Classics: Adidas Jackets
Jackets make you look cool, literally. But admit it, there are some jackets that make you look so dorky some girls will pass you off as gay. There are a lot of everyday sweaters and jackets out there—you know the kind that carries cartoonish skull heads or the one that screams “emo” the moment you look at it? Sure, they’re inexpensive but you’ll end up looking just like everyone else. If you want to stand out from the pack and get the girls, go for the classics. They’re a bit pricey but they are good investments.
An example of the classics is the AC Milan Presentation Suit from Adidas. It features the classic Adidas logo, stripes, and the AC Milan logo. It comes in two colors: black and red. Whether you’re an athlete or not, you can wear it almost everywhere! For the sports buffs out there, this cool jacket is best for warming up for your game, partying with the guys afterward, and of course, getting the girls.
So if you can’t make up your mind as to what jacket to get, go for the classics. After all, they don’t call them classics for nothing.
Re-hashed Article
So You’re Hot and Sexy…But Are You Healthy?
Why are guys afraid of seeing their doctors? And even if they do feel something is wrong, they keep putting off their medical appointments. Doctors don’t bite. Sure, they prick, scrub, and poke. But they don’t bite. A routine check-up is a necessity, not a vanity. Even if you exercise regularly and you’re as fit as the models in Men’s Health Magazine, having a routine medical check-up is a must if you are really serious about your health. Here’s why:
- Blood Pressure. Abnormal blood pressure can cause kidney failures, strokes, and heart attacks. Check your BP regularly.
- Cholesterol. High cholesterol can cause strokes and heart diseases. So it’s best to keep your cholesterol level in check.
- Diabetes. High glucose levels can be a sign of diabetes.
- Eye Health and Glaucoma. Have your ophthalmologist check your eyes for possible vision problems.
- Skin Cancer. Excessive sun exposure is bad for the skin. Have your dermatologist do a full skin examination for possible skin diseases.
Replacement for: Fat Men’s Get Up
Men’s Fashion Mistakes
My female friends usually complain that guys are so damn plain. With our clothes, that is. Since it’s always the standard shirt+jeans+sneakers for the average Joe, we try to play our look by adding jackets, belts, other apparel that we hope would make us look fly.
However, some guys tend to over-experiment and end up looking screwed. While there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to men’s fashion, here are some fashion mistakes that a big chunk of the guy populace is guilty of.
Very, Very Shiny Shoes
Unless you want to shine on the dance floor or blind your dinner date, refrain from wearing very, very shiny shoes to school or office. They make you look like a D.I. (dance instructor); a ballroom D.I. to be exact.
Glittery Shirts and Suits
Glitters are for girls. Shiny and shimmery shirts and suits don’t flatter.
Very Big, Very Loose-Fitting Clothes
Seriously, they make you look dumb. How? Can’t you read size labels? And they make you look sloppy.
Too Much Bling-Bling
Same with shiny shoes: unless you intend to blind the unassuming public, too much bling-bling is a no-no.
Very, Very, Very Tight Tees
Too tight tees pose a risk to your health. Just imagine, if someone douses you with cold water, your shirt would shrink and will eventually cut off your circulation. And unless you got the body, try to avoid wearing very, very, very tight shirts. They make you look rather unstable.
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