Pampers: 3 Tips For Getting in Shape after Giving Birth

Words by Katherine C. Eustaquio
Published in the Smart Parenting Website

For the past nine months, spandex and flats have been your way of life.  Pregnancy and giving birth are two of the most amazing experiences of a woman.  However, after giving birth and seeing the big changes on your body without your big belly, self-esteem issues pop in and you’d want to get your pre-pregnancy shape back…pronto.

Unfortunately, it’s not an overnight thing.  It takes time, commitment, and faith.  Here are a few tips on how to get your shape postpartum:

Tighten your tummy with Breastfeeding
When you breastfeed, your stomach muscles and uterus contract, making your tummy tighter and smaller.  Aside from being the best choice for newborn babies, breast milk is free.  Just make sure you are getting your daily calcium needs through a high-calcium diet.

Say No to Low-calorie Diets
After giving birth, your body will feel like it had been shaken really badly—your hormones will be zooming all over the place.  Your body will start to feel the fatigue that comes from the loss of blood during delivery and the sleepless nights.

The first six months of post-pregnancy is not an ideal time to lower your calorie intake.  The body needs to replace lost nutrients and you need the energy to last the whole day, especially now that you have a baby to take care of.  Load up on the healthy stuff like fruits and vegetables, instead of calorie-laden sweets likes donuts and cakes that taste sweet today, but will take permanent residence on certain parts of your body tomorrow.

Get Physically Active Slowly
The operative word here is ‘slowly.’  Don’t risk your health by joining an aerobics class two weeks into giving birth.  Start by walking around the house to stretch your leg muscles.  You can also take a walk around the village while pushing the baby stroller.  Taking it slow will give your body time to adapt to more physical activities.


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