Pampers: Taking Care of Active Babies

Words by Katherine Castillo Eustaquio

Some babies are like grown up kids—they can easily get fixated on one thing for a long time and exclude the rest.  However, there are also active babies who seem to be jumping and running after so many things at the same time.  While taking care of active toddlers can be one of the most challenging aspects of being a parent, it’s no secret that it’s also the most stressful.  Here are some tips on how to take care of active babies:

Spilled milk and food are part of having an actual toddler. Sometimes, kids get confused when they spill something on the floor and you spill more “liquid” (i.e. water, cleaning formula) on it to clean it up.  Toddlers are not able to process right away what items are okay and not okay to spill on the floor so it’s up to you to make sure your kids understand certain situations and their corresponding adult actions.

Disciplining your active toddler is a challenge. While most parents still live up to the practice of disciplining with a firm hand, make sure your kids are aware of the reason why they are being scolded.  Making your child aware of the various emotions humans feel is a good way to prepare him for the road ahead.  In fact, experts believe that you shouldn’t “shield” your kids with negative emotions like anger.  Of course, most parents will want to keep their children away from experiencing unfavorable emotions in their early stages of life.  However, experts believe that children who have not “seen” negative emotions early on will have a harder time dealing with it later in their life.  Whenever an unfavorable emotion arises, try to explain it to him the best you can because it is better that he comes across it inside the home where he can get parental counseling, than elsewhere later in life where more external factors can affect his judgment.

Don’t forget to power up. Active toddlers need active mothers.  With all the running around babies do and moms must do, the latter need all the energy they can get to keep up with their active toddlers.  Make the most of the time when your child is fast asleep.  Taking 30-40 minute power naps will surely perk you up way better than stimulants like coffee, tea, and other energy drinks.

Find an outlet for your baby’s energy. Parents of active toddlers should not resolve to strap their kids in front of the television or other semi-active activities.  In fact, parents should always encourage their kids to engage in physical activities to steer their energy in the right way to improvement.  When your active toddler becomes bored in running around the house or indoor garden, enroll him in baby yoga classes.  The Yoga Stretchycise moves taught in baby yoga classes are specifically created to strengthen baby’s muscles and bones, improve balance and coordination, and tighten your bond as parent and child.  The feel of a new environment and being able to move with fellow babies and moms will also widen his horizon.

But before you engage your active toddler in this wonderful baby activity, make sure he’s wearing a diaper he’s comfortable in so he can stretch and move freely.  Pampers Active Baby is made for active toddlers who love to stretch, crawl, run, and move about.  It has elastic sides that move with him wherever he goes.  Engage your active toddlers in this great baby activity with a diaper that’s designed for to help him move as fast as he can.

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