Home Total Fitness Magazine Stress Is An Option
Stress Is An Option
Kath C. Eustaquio-Derla April 06, 2017 0
Words by Katherine Castillo Eustaquio
Published in Total Fitness Magazine December 2010 issue
Yes, you read the title right. Sure, there are things beyond our control, but we can decide how we deal with these stressful situations. You can either pressure yourself to insanity or let life roll off your back by adapting effective stress management techniques.
Below are some nerve-calming tips that you can employ to battle the “s” word.
Change The Way You Breathe
Most people breathe in short, shallow “staccato jerks” that fail to let in enough oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Rapid breathing also causes the heart rate to increase and the muscles to stiffen leaving you feeling more stressed than ever. Deep yogic breathing is not limited to yoga practitioners. If you want instant relief from tension, breathe from your diaphragm. Practice deep breathing until it becomes second nature to you.
A full-body Swedish massage is a serious stress-buster. Unfortunately, you can’t do it on a daily basis. In between spa sessions, there are many self-massage techniques and gadgets you can use to relieve stress, improve blood circulation, and release endorphins—the body’s inborn painkillers. Here’s a great technique from Maria Hernandez-Reif, Ph.D. from the University of Miami School of Medicine: using your thumb, massage the palm of your other hand in a circular motion to help relieve tension.
Learn To Say “No”
Trying to please everyone is a human nature that can lead to unnecessary stress. At work, it’s better to say “no” to projects that are beyond your capabilities instead of killing yourself trying and submitting substandard work. While being a “go-getter” can give you a good adrenaline kick, learning how to say “no” without the guilt feeling is actually better to help ward off needless stressful situations.
Sniff, Sniff, Ahh….
Sniff away your stress with aromatherapy. There’s a wide variety of aromatic oils you can choose from like lavender, chamomile, jasmine, bergamot, neroli, and sandalwood. You don’t have to wait for your bedtime bath for your aromatherapy session. Here’s a smart trick for your mini-aromatherapy on the go: place some rock salt in a vial mixed with a few drops of aromatic oil and take a few whiffs whenever you need a quick stress fix.

Take A Break
We don’t mean coffee breaks. Instead, take a break from your daily routine by doing something deeply comforting like cuddling your dog, chit-chatting with friends, cooking (and eating) your favorite comfort food, or simply walking a few blocks to get a slice of your favorite cake from that quaint patisserie. Even if skydiving and bungee jumping are your idea of relaxation, the important thing is that you break the monotony of everyday routines that have become stressful and claustrophobic.