Just Imagine

Words by Victoria Lyee
Published in Total Fitness Magazine July 2012 issue

Did you know that world-renowned novelist JK Rowling came up with the idea for her first Harry Potter book (The Sorcerer’s Stone) during a four-hour train ride from Manchester to London after looking for an apartment?  Several years later, her first book hit the shelves and the rest, as they say, is Hogwarts’ history.

Isn’t it absolutely incredible how one woman’s daydreaming (while on board a moving train) created a whole new world that changed ours?  That single idea changed the way we perceive the old idea of witches and warlocks, giants and sorcerers.  The mere act of imagining a totally different world—complete with its own history, language, customs, and form of government---seemed impossible for just one woman.  But she did.

Imagination is a Skill
Imagination is a mental ability that enables a person to create mental images or scenes that have not happened in reality.  The act makes use of all the senses; therefore, a highly developed mind enables a person to “experience” mental images through smells, textures, and sounds.

Contrary to what most people think, daydreaming is just one of the ways to hone the skill.  When properly trained, a person can see the world in a different perspective, and even mentally travel through time.

Making your Imagination Work for You
Some people think that imagination, specifically the act of daydreaming, is a total waste of time.  Unknown to many, even the most practical of people make use of imagination in their daily lives.

We often go through life with so many regrets, most of which result in self-induced depression.  Just imagine how would it feel like if you eliminate these negative things from your life—a past, fair-weather friends, a bad habit, a job you loathe.  Just imagine if you replace these negative things with more positive habits—a new boyfriend, a new set of awesome friends, a fun job.  Just imagine living the life you’ve always wanted and doing things that you’ve always dreamed of.

Now, just how badly do you want this imagined world to be your reality?  Your answer will determine just how fast you can achieve the things you want.

Imagination Shapes Reality
Look around, every single thing you see around you was once someone’s imagination.  This fact should be enough to end all arguments about the power of a single imagination or thought.

The mind is like a powerful magnet—whatever your thoughts create, the world echoes back.  So go imagine what your best self could be like and what you could do to make this world a better place.  Think big.  Be different.  Be bold.  And if the rest of the world tells you you’re crazy, make Apple Inc.’s advertising slogan work for you simply because it’s true:  “…the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

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