Do You Turn Your Partner Off?

Words by Katherine Castillo Eustaquio
Published in Total Fitness Magazine Jan-Feb 2013 issue

Some people find it so easy to voice out what irritates them most.  Their rants, sometimes, feel as natural as breathing. When you’re blissfully single, you rarely give a second thought about the repercussions of your rough bouts.  But when you’re in a relationship, it’s often so hard to tell your partner that you absolutely hate seeing discarded tea bags on the coffee table.  And when you do, despite the tone, you are often viewed either as a neat freak or a domestic bitch.

Here are some of the things that often turn men and women off (things that they can’t really say to each other face to face).  If you’re guilty of these things, well, you know what to do.


• “You double guess your instincts?! Come on!”
Why is Spiderman so adorable whenever he says “My spider sense is tingling”? Because he is often right.   You rarely find him double guessing his instincts because that’s what your instincts are for.

• “You expect me to read your mind?  ALL THE TIME?”
While a little mystery goes a long way, men often draw a blank card whenever women expect them to know exactly what needs to be done. Just say what you want.

• “Don’t turn into my mother, please.”
When he’s sick, bring chicken soup. But please, don’t offer to give him a bath.

• “You RSVP-ed for me. Nice.”
More often than not, this line is often delivered in a sarcastic tone inside a man’s head. Do tell him there’s a party and you need to send an RSVP. Unless he tells you to do the honors, by all means, let the man do the talking.

• “You practice signing papers with my surname. Goodness, I haven’t even thought of proposing yet!”
Sometimes, women tend to fast-forward to the future or at least give hints about marriage especially when the well recognized and often annoying biological clock starts ticking loudly in their heads.  Instead of giving outright hints, sit down and talk.


• “Falling off the face of the earth without an SMS!”
When you’re single, you can disappear with the guys for a weekend at the mountains and the only woman who will worry is your own mother.  When you’re in a relationship, keep in mind that there’s another woman in your life who deserves a call.

• “You sneeze into your hands and you touch my arm all of a sudden.”
Seriously, guys, we will slap you in the face if you don’t understand why we become so annoyed in the first place.

• “You wear jeans three sizes too big.”
You’re an adult, for goodness sake.  Your fashion sense should have improved by now.

• “You think I want you to change.”
Unless you’re guilty of having done some nasty sh*t in the past, whenever we ask you to please wipe the toilet seat after you pee doesn’t mean we are trying to change you.

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