Remembering Rocky, Colt, And Tum-Tum

This evening, I was intrigued by what has become of my dear three Ninjas. You know, the movie with three American brothers with a Japanese grand daddy who teaches them all these cool contemporary ninja moves? They’re very much like little Jackie Chan[s]—they need access to the props for them to beat the tough guys to a pulp.

I spent a great deal of my childhood watching the 3 Ninjas movie installments. My penchant for martial arts came first before I got fascinated with knights and vampires. As the eldest of 3 children, it’s obvious that I’m Rocky, my sister as Colt, and my little brother as Tum-Tum. It’s easy to spot why I love Rocky best. He’s gorgeous, even for a 12-year-old (take note, I was in grade school then) and the grin is something else.

Aside from Macaulay Culkin, I’ve always wondered what has become of the then famous American child stars. So here’s what I've found:

Michael Treanor played Samuel “Rocky” Douglas Jr. on the first and third 3 Ninjas movies. He was discovered at the martial arts’ clubs for boys when the casting director was looking for young boys to play the lead parts. He got the part and was highly successful in playing the eldest brother in the first and third installments. However, acting was not the kind of lifestyle young Michael enjoyed then so he turned down 3 Ninjas Kick Back in 1994. Sean Fox took over his role.

He took up computer science and now lives in Woodland Hills, California. He may not like the acting lifestyle but he sure loves martial arts, having earned his black belt at the age of twelve and continues to train as he grew up.

Max Elliot Slade played Jeffrey “Colt” Douglas in the first three movies. I like his devil-may-care attitude, in contrast with Rocky's calm facade and goody-goody persona. And what do you know, cute Colt turned out to be one hot “emo” guy!!! Check out his latest photos. (Got these from his Myspace :P)

Max Elliot Slade today.

Chad Power played Michael “Tum-Tum” Douglas. He is, perhaps, the cutest little ninja actor of his generation. I was about to say the cutest child actor of his time but then I remember Macaulay Culkin. It is amusing to note that the two actors’ common denominator is this: I wish they got frozen in their pre-puberty forms. Cullkin turned into a stick. Power turned into a good-looking boulder. He seems to be living a normal life away from Hollywood.

Chad Power today.

3 Ninjas trivia I got from wikipedia.

Samuel Jr. was “Rocky” because he is the strongest of all three brothers. The nickname also refers to his ability to remain steady and cool as a “granite rock” under pressure.

Jeffrey was “Colt” because he is the fastest of all three. He is also described as the one having the free spirit of a wild horse, the rebellious one.

Michael was “Tum-Tum” because his eating habit is the source of his energy.
I want a comeback from these three. 
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