Home Musings Why We Read Ketchup Labels
Why We Read Ketchup Labels
Kath C. Eustaquio-Derla April 10, 2017 0

During the Davao tour, I met the famous photographer Rudy Liwanag. And he told me a simple story that was able to explain a great deal about myself.
When he was younger, he had this habit of looking at war photos, war action photos to be exact. At first, he thought it was the concept of war that intrigued him. Later on, he realized that it was the photo itself that captured his interest. Yes, he became a photographer, a very celebrated one.
When I was young, I had this habit of reading ketchup labels while I ate. Just to help pass the time I guess. I used to find eating alone boring, so I always try to read something while I ate (mayonnaise labels included). Even today, I read labels religiously, especially beauty products. I can spend half the day reading every single label in the Body Care isle of Watsons for all I care. Looking back, I now realized that it's not the product itself that intrigued me, but how the words were stringed together in fluid harmony. Yes, my first stint in copywriting was with a Japanese Beauty Brand. I became a copywriter.
Sir Rudy and I had this conversation during lunch at Pearl Farm Beach Resort. While the rest of the group was busy talking about ghosts in their respective offices, I was busy admiring Sir Rudy's professional cameras. I was also able to talk to Vincent Lopez, a travel writer for Manila Bulletin, about his work. I was suddenly very jealous. Photojournalism + Travel Writing = My Dream Job.
The Davao Tour was a success. I wish I could write all about my experiences and post all the photos here, but I'll wait for my story to be published first, so as not to cause any problem with my editors. I was right. The trip came at a good time and it was all worth the hassle, stress, sunburn, and muscle aches. I was able to soak in the provincial naivete that was Davao, zip twice from one mountain to the next, survive the semi-calm rapids of the Davao river, taste frozen Durian for the first time, and spend three days and two nights with only one backpack and one big bag for my shoes.
I did it. It was my first time to travel alone. I met great people, made new friends, and came home with a different point of view.