Staying Young the Natural (And No-Nonsense) Way

Words by Katherine C. Eustaquio
Published in Total Fitness Magazine Jan-Feb 2010 Issue

These days, most people seem to have a common enemy:  the dreaded signs of premature aging.  While the Fountain of Youth has yet to be found, bottled, and sold at the nearest convenience store, here are few no-fuss and inexpensive ways on how to stay young and young-looking the natural way.

Discover Goji Berry
This tiny super fruit is the #1 source of the antioxidant called carotenoids that help lower the risks of breast cancer in women.  Goji’s vitamin C is said to be 500 times more potent than an orange and thus promises better antioxidant power.  Other super fruits that have amazing anti-aging effects include pomegranates and cranberries.

Embrace the Good Fats
According to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, author of the book 7 Secrets to Beauty, Health and Longevity and the top expert in the anti-aging field, the good fatty twins—Omega 3 and 6—do wonders in halting the nasty signs of premature aging.  Omega 3 also helps in converting your stored fats into energy and keeping your skin radiant-looking.

Don’t Turn into a Couch Potato
Exercise improves brain power.  Dr. Gary Small, co-author of The Healthy Brain Kit and the director of the UCLA Center on Aging in the US, a brisk 10-minute walk lowers one’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s by as much as 40 percent.  The constant physical activity also improves blood circulation and boosts the mood.

In the US, almost 90% of doctor’s visits in a year revolve around anxiety, stress, and blood pressure problems.  Chronic stress attacks your emotional and physical health drastically.  While it seems like a Herculean task not to be bothered by the stressful situations we encounter on a daily basis, Dr. Herbert Benson, author of the book The Relaxation Response, suggests meditation battle the destructive effects of chronic stress.  Retreat to a quiet room, close your eyes, breathe deeply and repeat your chosen mantra every time you find yourself in a stressful situation.

Give Your Brain a Daily Work Out
According to a study that was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, brain exercises such as reading, writing, doing crossword puzzles, and playing board games can successfully prevent mental decline, Alzheimer’s, and other brain-related conditions.   It’s not enough that you keep your body in its chiseled beach body condition.  Make sure that you keep your brain in tip-top shape as well.

Love and Be Loved in Return
When you’re in love, you could feel every inch of your body kicking with life.  Science backs it up by claiming that passion in bed not only strengthens the ties that bind but also keeps the heart and the immune system healthy.  According to Dr. Mehmet Oz, co-author of the book You on a Diet, physical act of love releases oxytocin, a hormone that lessens anxiety.  Now that’s another healthy reason to fall in love this year.

Explore Yoga
Take a breather from the treadmill and explore the many wonders of yoga.  Yogic breathing and postures have enjoyed steady praise for their health benefits.  It’s a strenuous mind and body workout that’s designed not only to help you trim the edges but also help in improving posture, flexibility, and outlook.

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