Relief From Anger

Words by Katherine Castillo Eustaquio
Published in Total Fitness Magazine November 2011 Issue

Anger is a very powerful emotion that can make or break you.  On a positive note, you can use your anger to catapult yourself from a difficult situation.  Someone broke your heart? Learn kickboxing and enjoy the endorphins. A publisher turned down your manuscript? Improve it and try again.  On a negative note, anger can turn into violence and cause you more pain and despair that can eat you alive.

There are many angry people in the world, why, because anger is something that’s really difficult to let go.  Nurturing negative emotions in your psyche not only hinders you from potential happiness but also affects your judgment.  You don’t need to be angry all your life, some cases are just not worth the stress, but here are some tips on how to let go some big league anger issue:

Accept Responsibility and Act
When something goes wrong, it feels great to have someone to blame, isn’t it? However, all you can really do is get angry and blame people.   When you’re done venting out, try a different route.  Apply to competitors and be the best one in your field.  Even if the initial plan is to get revenge, after some time, the positive outcome will fill you up until you are finally able to let go of the past anger.

Vent. Rant. Channel it out.
When anger fills you up, you really need to let it out. Some people pride themselves of being able to move past anger without even acknowledging it. That’s a lie. What they’re really doing is keeping the anger aside for future reference.  When you’re angry, talk to a confidante, shout if you need to. Sometimes, all you really need is to just vent it out.

Forgiven, Not Forgotten
Compassion enables us to forgive people who have wronged us but still, we find it almost impossible to forget what they have done.  Sometimes, this can strengthen friendships and improve your judgment.  Sometimes, it saves you from having to go through the same experience again.  The important thing is that we forgive and give people second chances.

The Last Resort:  Cut Ties
If you find yourself unable to let go of the anger, let go of the person.  There’s nothing wrong in cutting ties with people who give you nothing but constant despair.  It’s better to cut ties with them rather than letting them do the same thing over and over again.  Some relationships, platonic and romantic, are just not meant to be.  Eventually you will be able to forgive, but for now, all you can do is let go and may the bridges you burn light the way.

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