MENU Baby Yoga for Starters

Words by Katherine C. Eustaquio

These days, baby yoga has become a popular activity for moms and kids.  But when is the best time to start taking it?  It’s best to consult your doctor before doing body exercises post-pregnancy but baby yoga usually caters to baby infants aged sixteen weeks and up.

For the first timers, here are the things you should expect:  Moms usually cover their yoga mats with a yoga blanket where their baby can lie during class.  Most of the time, their babies just lie on the blanket or play with a few toys you can bring to keep your baby entertained.  What’s good about baby yoga classes is that you are free to feed, play, clean and walk your child around the room from time to time.  There are some baby yoga teachers who offer to hold your baby so you can do some yoga exercises.

Most babies enjoy the sights, sounds, and feel of a new environment while some feel threatened by strange faces and places.  So don’t be discouraged if your child cries, fidgets, or get a little defensive during your first baby yoga class.  Give your baby time to feel at home in the new environment by bringing his favorite items to play with during yoga classes.

Baby Yoga is a very healthy activity for kids as it helps in muscle and bone development.  It also improves posture and blood circulation.  As for moms, doing the simple sets of body exercises is a good way to work out too.

Apart from these health benefits, your and baby’s emotional bond will also get stronger through the sense of touch as you move in sync together.  So try this new baby activity as you think of new ways to bond with your child.  Explore the many benefits of baby yoga with a diaper that understands your active baby’s growing needs—Pampers Active Baby.

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