Pampers Hippo Pitch

Client: Pampers
Copywriter: Katherine C. Eustaquio
Type: Digital Campaign

Yahoo iMedia Copy_REVISED

Yohoo Mommy, Pampers has something new for you. Roll over your mouse here.
Balance me, Mommy!
Dry nappies make play time happy!
Learn about Active Play and its benefits
Join the Pampers Active Play School at!

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Pampers Active Play School
Where Moms learn, experience, and share the benefits of Active Play
This is a program dedicated to teaching moms about Active Play and what it can do to your baby’s physical, mental, and emotional development.  Because it’s more than just play, it’s Active Play.

We will answer the follow questions and more!

  • What are Active Play and its benefits?
  • What baby games will develop my baby’s mind and body?
  • What baby toys can improve my baby’s imagination and mental capacity?
  • What events can we join as a Pampers Active Play School member?
  • What diaper is tailor-fit for active babies?
  • So what are you waiting for Mommies?
  • Register for you and your baby at Pampers Active Play School!
  • Join Now (link to registration)

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What is Active Play?
According to a research made by the University of Gloucestershire and Play England, play time motivates children because they enjoy doing it.  Children love being able to express themselves through games and activities and that they are able to feel the fullest range of emotions because, for them, it’s just play.

Studies have shown that play improves the brain’s ability to respond to experiences, situations, and make-believe relationships.  On the other hand, this ability is shortened when play time is controlled by external factors.  This claim is backed up by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board that added children become less responsive when free play is constrained.

A baby’s mind is like a sponge that is able to absorb everything his senses can perceive especially during play time.  That’s why it’s important to make a baby’s play time his learning time as well.  That’s how Active Play came to be.

Active Play helps babies develop their physical, mental, and emotional well-being through play.  It develops the child’s body, senses, brain, imagination, creativity, and social skills.  It makes your child “in charge” of his world through role-playing, exploration, and discovery.

Active Play packs in a lot of fun in games and learning to help the child explore emotions and develop values that last a lifetime.  Active Play is a precursor to an active lifestyle.

You will be surprised to know that your baby can do more active activities than you thought possible.   At Pampers Active Play School, we will teach you a whole range of baby games and activities that will improve your baby’s overall health.

Remember mommies, it’s more than just play.
It’s Active Play.

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Web Content – Products Page, Community via Facebook, Scrapbook, MAC Widgets
Pampers Active Play School FB page (Community via Facebook) 
Mommies!  Join the Pampers Active Play School fan page on Facebook and receive instant updates on our latest events!  You can also upload photos of your precious ones, connect with fellow moms, and share your experiences about the many benefits of play for babies and about Pampers Active Play School!

Pampers Active Play School Widgets

1.  Calendar of Events
Name of Widget:  Pampers  Active Play School Events
Moms!  Download this widget so you won’t miss on any Pampers Active Play School event!
2.  Pampers Active Play School Instructional Videos
Hi, Mommies!  Did you miss an event?  You can watch videos of past events here.

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Web Content – Pampers Website FRONT PAGE_REVISED
1.  Pampers Active Play FB Frontpage (MAP)
Intro copy: Yoohoo Mommies, do you know that there is a science behind a child’s play time?  Yes!  Your baby can do more active activities than you thought possible.  Here at Pampers Active Play School, you will learn what Active Play is all about and how it can improve your baby’s physical, mental, and emotional health and set the stage for an active lifestyle in the future.

So Mommies, what are you waiting for?  Learn, experience, and share here!  Because it’s more than just
play, it’s Active Play.

Tab Names:

  • Register
  • About  Pampers Active Play School
  • Baby Games
  • Baby Toys
  • Events
  • What is Active Play?
  • Benefits of Active Play
  • Product Page
  • Widgets

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The Benefits of Active Play
Mommies, do you know that Active Play has many benefits for your baby’s physical, mental, and emotional growth?  Yes, that’s why it’s important to incorporate fun and learning in play time.  Here are the many benefits of Active Play in children.


  • Strengthens bones and muscles
  • Develops gross and fine motor skills
  • Encourages exercise
  • Improves dexterity, vision, and hearing
  • Emotional:
  • Develops the love for life
  • Fun and enjoyment
  • Relaxation reduces tension and releases energy properly
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Creates strong and cherished moments in childhood.
  • An outlet for emotions


  • Improves self-expression
  • Develops sense of individuality
  • Self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Cooperation and camaraderie
  • Encourages turn-taking
  • Develops social skills
  • Develops self-advocacy
  • Offers opportunities for parents to get involved in play time
  • Self-help and independence


  • Abstract thinking, creativity, and imagination
  • Problem-solving, perspective thinking
  • Mastering new ideas
  • Concentration and persistence


  • Vocabulary and communication
  • Story Telling
  • Literacy
  • Educational benefits
  • Makes learning fun
  • Encourage exploration and concept learning
  • Allows application of learned skills

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Baby Toys for Learning
Mommies, do you know that baby toys can improve your baby’s physical, mental, and emotional development? Here are the most common baby toys and what they can do for your baby’s future.
Shape Sorting Cubes

This is one of the most important toys a kid should have.  It develops your baby’s shape and color recognition, hand to eye coordination, spatial relationship awareness, and as well as the sense of sight and touch.

Building Blocks
Do you want your child to be an architect or an engineer?  Studies have shown that building blocks were the first toys of most architects and engineers.  These blocks encourage creativity and improve mental capacity through analysis and problem-solving.

They improve the sense of hearing.   Different toy rattles make distinct sounds.  So give your baby at least three toy rattles to play with so he can distinguish one sound from the other.

Those gummy little things not only develop yours baby’s infant teeth but also their sense of taste so that early on, they can distinguish what tastes good and what doesn’t.

Felt Balls
Those colorful and soft miniature balls for babies work on your baby’s sense of touch.

Education Books
Read to your baby out loud because this teaches him the basics of  English, science, and mathematical skills through hearing.

Dolls and Action Figures
Studies have shown that adults who played with dolls during childhood (regardless of gender) are more caring and responsible in adulthood.  That’s why there are pre-schools that allow even the boys to play with dolls.  Playing with dolls allow children to play adult roles and experiment on social relationships and a sense of individuality.

Cause and Effect Toys
To encourage exploration, give your baby toys with cause and effect like toys with buttons that emit different sounds when pressed.

Playing with balls develops gross motor skills through running, kicking. crawling, and walking.

Water Play
Playing with water encourages exploration.  Give your baby different plastic toys that float on water.

One of the best toys developed.  It improves mental capacity through problem-solving.  In children, it allows them to learn about shapes, sizes, and colors.

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The Best Baby Games for Active Babies
Are you bored of playing the peek-a-boo and shape cubes with your baby day after day?  Pampers Active Play School makes a list of the best baby games for active babies that can be played indoors, outdoors, and on the move!

Indoor Baby Games
Dress Me Up
Bring out the fairy wings, superhero costumes, and tutus!  How about the wigs, hats, and feather boas?  Dress up your baby and have a blast taking pictures and uploading them here at Pampers Active Play School!

Learning Games and Memorization
This is fun to do during rainy days!  Start by counting numbers and singing the alphabet.  Or why not bring out the photo placards and start naming things?  This way, your baby will also learn a lot of new things in one day!

Puppets Show
Do you know that playing with puppets improve your baby’s imagination?  So bring out the puppets and do puppets show together.  You can also create your own puppets by using old socks and markers.

Outdoor Games
Hide and Seek
Never underestimate the wonders of age-old games.  Hide and seek is fun and it can be played by the entire family for maximum family bonding moments!

Paint and Blow
This baby game will also work on your child’s creativity and fine motor skills.   Dilute child-safe poster paints (different colors) in water until it becomes fairly thin.  Using a small paint brush, drop a splash of paint on a piece of white paper and then, using a straw, blow on it to create streaks of paint.  Parent supervision is needed.

Playing with Sand
A sand pool is an amazing playground for children.  Your baby might want to eat it at first, so parent supervision is a must during the first few times.  Soon, your baby will realize that sand doesn’t taste good and will look for other ways to play with it—it can be molded, poured, and stacked in various layers.  Give him plastic pails and shovels and watch as your baby’s imagination unveils itself.

On the Move
Name the Color
During walks in the park, make a habit of pointing different things to your baby and ask him what color the object has.  For example, you pointed on a leaf, ask him what the color of the leaf is.  This way, you baby will not only learn to associate colors with objects but will also spark his interest on things found outside of home.

Word Game
Give you baby an early start at a broad vocabulary.  Whenever you go outside for a walk or a quick visit to the grocery store, point out interesting things found on the street like a window or bread on the baker’s window and a tree.  Say the names out loud for your baby to hear over and over.

Listen to classical music
When you are on the road, opt to listen to classical music or instrumentals.  Studies have shown classical music improves brain development.  Who knows, you baby might be the next child prodigy!

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Pampers™ Active Play School ® Day
Welcome to Pampers Active Play School
Where Moms learn, experience, and share the benefits of Active Play
Learn about Active Play and its many benefits to your child’s physical, mental, and emotional development.  Because it’s not just play, it’s Active Play!
Trinoma Activity Center
August 14,2010
Join the Pampers Active Play School at and let your baby enjoy it with the New Pampers Active Baby that has an Extra-Lock layer that gives superior dryness for uninterrupted Active Play!

Pampers™ Active Play School Babylympics
Lets your active kids compete in the1st Babylympics!
Jumpstart your baby’s active lifestyle through the 1st Babylympics designed for Active Play!
See you at the Fun Ranch, Ortigas
this September 04, 2010 at 2 pm
Join the Pampers Active Play School at and let your baby enjoy it with the New Pampers Active Baby that has an Extra-Lock layer that gives superior dryness for uninterrupted Active Play!

Pampers™ Active Play School Family Day
Active Play + Family Day = Fun, Fun, Fun!
Bring your whole family at the Big Red Barn in Ortigas and enjoy a fun-filled
Active Play event for the entire family to enjoy.  Lots of prizes are in store!
Big Red Barn
September 25, 2010
Join the Pampers Active Play School at and let your baby enjoy it with the New Pampers Active Baby that has an Extra-Lock layer that gives superior dryness for uninterrupted Active Play!

Pampers™ Active Play School Stroller Gym
It’s a Stroller Gym Day
Moms, bring your active baby’s stroller at The Fort because we are having a walk along
one of the most beautiful places in the Metro.
The Tent, The Fort
October 16, 2010
Join the Pampers Active Play School at and let your baby enjoy it with the New Pampers Active Baby that has an Extra-Lock layer that gives superior dryness for uninterrupted Active Play!

Pampers™ Active Play School Dance Dance Day
Dance Dance Day!
It’s time to bring out the child prodigy in your active babies! On November 06, 2010 at 2 in the afternoon, step into the STEPS Dance Studio in Makati and let’s get your active baby moving to the beat!
Join the Pampers Active Play School at and let your baby enjoy it with the New Pampers Active Baby that has an Extra-Lock layer that gives superior dryness for uninterrupted Active Play!

Poster – Pampers™ Active Play School Baby Massage Camp
Baby Massage Camp
Learn about the amazing benefits of baby massage and how it can develop your baby’s bones and muscles.
Gymboree Makati
November 20, 2010
Join the Pampers Active Play School at and let your baby enjoy it with the New Pampers Active Baby that has an Extra-Lock layer that gives superior dryness for uninterrupted Active Play!

Pampers™ Active Play School Active Play Seminar
The Pampers Active Play Seminar
Let’s hear it from the experts and mothers who have seen the benefits to Active Play and how to make you baby’s playtime active and fun!
Grand Ballroom, Makati Shangrila
December 11, 2010
Join the Pampers Active Play School at and let your baby enjoy it with the New Pampers Active Baby that has an Extra-Lock layer that gives superior dryness for uninterrupted Active Play!

Pampers™ Active Play School Baby Sign Language
Baby Sign Language Seminar
Learn how babies communicate without the words so you can understand them better.
The Learning Jungle Fort Center
Bonifacio Global City
January 2011, 2 pm
Join the Pampers Active Play School at and let your baby enjoy it with the New Pampers Active Baby that has an Extra-Lock layer that gives superior dryness for uninterrupted Active Play!

Poster – Pampers™ Active Play School Baby Gear Fair
Baby Gear Fair 
Ready, Set, Shop!  Enjoy big, big discounts on the latest toys designed for Active Play!
World Trade Center
February 12, 2010
Join the Pampers Active Play School at and let your baby enjoy it with the New Pampers Active Baby that has an Extra-Lock layer that gives superior dryness for uninterrupted Active Play!

Poster – Pampers™ Active Play School Baby Loves Hiphop
Active Baby Loves Hip Hop
Teach your baby to skip to the beat and enjoy the art of dancing at an early age!
STEPS Dance Studio, Makati City
March 19, 2011
Join the Pampers Active Play School at and let your baby enjoy it with the New Pampers Active Baby that has an Extra-Lock layer that gives superior dryness for uninterrupted Active Play!

Poster – Pampers™ Active Play School Baby Loves Ballet
Active Baby Loves Ballet
Bring out the tutus and pink ballet shoes and watch the first few movements of your future ballerina!   This is one dancing event your precious Little Queen will surely love!
Ballet School Manila
April 23, 2010
Join the Pampers Active Play School at and let your baby enjoy it with the New Pampers Active Baby that has an Extra-Lock layer that gives superior dryness for uninterrupted Active Play!

Poster – Pampers™ Active Play School Water Babies
Water Games for Active Babies
Introduce water sports to your little one to help develop his respiratory system.  Don your favorite swimwear, put on some sunscreen and enjoy the fun water games with fellow moms and active babies!
Splash Island
May 14, 2010
Join the Pampers Active Play School at and let your baby enjoy it with the New Pampers Active Baby that has an Extra-Lock layer that gives superior dryness for uninterrupted Active Play!

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