What Your Habits Say about You

Words by Katherine Castillo Eustaquio
Published in Action & Fitness Magazine April 2010 issue

A habit is a “pattern of repeated behavior” that a person may or may not be aware of. Habits can range from the good (i.e. mouthing “excuse me” whenever you sneeze even if no one is around) to bad (i.e. picking your nose even in pubic, and worse, eating what you pick). Sometimes, even good habits, when repeated way too many times in a day can be annoying to other people, but here are the list of bad habits to break ASAP and what they say about your character and even your history.

Nail Biting or Onychophagia
This habit includes biting the nails and even the soft tissues surrounding it. It is most common in children, with 30-60% of kids and teenagers biting one or more fingernails. This habit reaches its peak at around 10 to 18 years of age and slowly subsides for most people. However, there are people who continuously bite their nails past the nail bed until they bleed and/or become infected. Just imagine how much bacteria and fungus you’re transferring from your hands to your mouth that can cause serious infection. Apart from waking up to swollen, reddish, and even bleeding fingernails, we need not tell you how they can affect your social life.

The most common cause is boredom, followed by the need to release tension and stress. Most nail bitters claim that it helps them deal with their emotions better. Sometimes, it’s a reaction towards guilt. Nail biting can also run in the family. Lastly, it can be related to a condition known as oral fixation, which is that need to keep something in the mouth.

Thumb Sucking
Did you know that the thumb is the most preferred digit to suck for most children because, according to them, it is more flavorful? No kidding! However, this finding can also be related to the thumb being the digit that first comes in contact with a baby’s mouth more often. Common among 2-4 year-old kids, thumb sucking can be a child’s way to comforting himself after a meal as the sensation is similar to feeding. Like nail biting, it subsides with time but it can cause dental problems like overbite and social problems due to teasing.

Hair Twirling and Hair Pulling
Hair twirling is most common to young girls and could be a precursor to hair pulling. Most hair twirlers outgrow the habit but severe cases can lead to an impulse control disorder known as Trichotillomania that can cause bald patches and hair loss. Trichotillomania in adults are caused by anxiety and depression and need immediate medical attention.

Throat-clearing and spitting
Ever sat beside someone who clears his or her throat every 10 seconds? Worse still, spits out saliva for innocent pedestrians to step on? Believe me; this habit is for the gross and uncivilized. Throat-clearing can be caused by an irritation in the throat and vocal chords. Dairy products also contribute to increased mucus production. Simple medications like saline solution, antihistamine mixed with decongestant, or a steroid nasal spray can help relieve nasal congestion, inflammation, and itching. If you need to expel mucus, carry a pack of tissue instead of spitting in out on the sidewalk.

Pen-chewing and Straw biting
According to psychiatrists, these habits are extensions of thumb sucking. It could also stem from oral fixation and a way to release stress and calm the jerky nerves. Apart from chewing on bacteria and germs present in pens and other pointed objects for that matter, they can damage your teeth and cause tooth sensitivity. You’re also bound to experience jaw and facials pains from chewing on hard and inedible objects. Worse scenario is you’ll get poisoned from eating ink that can spurt from your pen anytime.
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