Weight Loss Secrets from Around the World

Words by Katherine Castillo Eustaquio
Published in Action & Fitness Magazine April 2010 Issue

Regardless of race and culture, weight loss seems to be a global concern. Here are some of interesting weight loss secrets from all over the world that your might want to adapt in your weight loss program.

Germany: Don’t skip breakfast! That’s an order!
Statistics show that 75% of Germans eat breakfast while only 44% of Americans do. In addition, Germans eat fiber-rich cereals and fruits for breakfast while most Americans settle for McDonald’s calorie-laden breakfast selection to go. Do the math.

United Kingdom: Sorry, we don’t “super size” meals.
Morgan Spurlock’s 2004 documentary, Super Size Me, shocked the world at how eating fast food everyday leads to obesity and serious health risks. Six weeks after the movie was released, McDonald’s slashed the Super Size option in their sales strategy and introduced healthier selections like salads and the new adult happy meal. Get this: it only costs a few pesos to upgrade your meals to bigger proportions. You’d probably think you got a great bargain—NOT! It just adds 50-75% more calories on your waist. United Kingdom was first to discontinue the “super size” option in their menu. Brits tend to savor their food in smaller portions, a mindset that historians believe dates back to the country’s economic standing during the World War II.

Russia: Grow your own veggies in the summer
In a busy city like Russia, half of the city population still goes back to the basics—growing your own veggies and fruits in summer. This works two ways: a. planting and harvesting burns calories; and b. eating more veggies and fruits make a healthy diet at year round.

Brazil’s secret weapon: a side dish of rice and beans
We need not explain how Brazilian women have the world mesmerized by their gorgeous figure and silky skin. No, it’s not the booty-shaking rituals at the Carnaval in Rio that keep Brazilian women slim and curvaceous. Their secret: a serving of rice and beans! Yes! Here in the Philippines, we immediately associate rice with calories. But in Brazil, locals enjoy a traditional dish of rice and beans with almost every meal. This low fat, high fiber dish proved to reduce the risk of being overweight by almost 14% when you compare it to western food.

Thailand’s Weight Loss Secret: Known for being one of the spiciest foods in the world, Thai cuisine is never without chili. We all know that spicy foods can increase the heart rate and metabolism by almost 50%, ergo burning more calories and fats. But according to James Hill, PhD, American Society for Nutrition’s former president, eating spicy foods slows down you pace. Most American foods are salty and greasy and since Americans eat fast foods super fast, they don’t realize that they had overeaten before you feel full. Eating in small portions or eating slowly is a good way to lose weight. If you can’t control your portions, eat something spicy to slow down your burning tongue.

Switzerland’s weight loss weapon: Muesli
No, it’s not a weight control pill, but a cereal dish with oats, nuts, and fruits. Developed by a Swiss physician, Muesli is very rich in fiber, ergo making it slow to digest and keeping your full longer. Just take it easy on adding more sugar than necessary.

Poland: A family that eats at home together monitors their weight together
Do you know that a typical American family spends 37% of its food budget in restaurants and fast food while Poles spend only 5%? Talk about splurging! Or perhaps it’s the US’s fast-paced lifestyle that leads them to eat out more. In reality, it’s hard to find healthy and tasty options when you’re on a budget so why not try cooking your own meals at home and taking them to work? All that slicing, stirring, and packing will burn extra calories and save you more money than you can imagine. And eating a home with the family during weekends can also tighten your bonds.
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