Quick Stress Fix

Words by Katherine C. Eustaquio
Published in Total Fitness Magazine September 2011 issue

A team of researchers in Sweden monitored the stress levels and overall health of about 17,000 working participants from 2002 to 2007.  The study, which was published in Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, found out that even those who thread past mild levels of stress at the start of the study are at high risk of suffering from a long-term disability by almost 70%.

‘When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.’  This old English proverb can be used to address how a modern man deals with the perils of everyday stress.   It isn’t enough that you just get going.  You need to know how to get going to lessen the risk of health complications years down the road.  De-stressing doesn’t always take hours.  Here are some quick stress relievers:

Quick Fixes at Home

Touch Therapy:  Simple massage techniques lower the levels of stress hormones.  Massage your legs, arms, neck or scalp while reading a book or watching TV.  Holding hands with someone has the same relieving benefits.

Trick Yourself:  Set your alarm clock 15-30 minutes earlier to trick yourself into thinking that you got an extra shut eye time before you get up.

Unplug:  People spend so much time online that sometimes, reading other people’s Facebook status can make you feel that they are happier than you are. Unplug yourself from the World Wide Web and step into the sunshine.

Quick Fixes at the Office

Hand in your Pocket:  When you’re nervous, fiddle with something in your pocket.  Ralph Fiennes’ character in Maid in Manhattan plays with a paperclip when he speaks in front of a crowd.  The relentless energy goes into the paper, helping you relax more.

10-10-10 Rule:  Here’s a quick relief for computer eye strain—after 10 minutes of nonstop desk work, look up and focus on something 10 feet away (preferably a green plant) for 10 seconds.

Office Humor:  Laughter releases pent-up energy, exercises abdominal muscles, and lightens your work perspective.  The next time you’re having coffee with your co-workers at the office pantry have a good laugh.

Quick Fixes Everywhere Else

Red Light Shrugs:  Whenever you stop at a red light, roll your shoulders forward and backward in 10 repetitions each.  It helps relieve the tension in your upper body.

Stack up on Good Karma:  Offering an elderly a seat, being nice to the cab driver, and essentially being positively nice and courteous create a happy trail wherever you go.

Make Faces:  As silly as it may sound, doing it tightens and relaxes the muscles in your face.  Try it with different muscle groups:  tighten your legs while waiting for your coffee, or curl your toes while typing.  Try it, it works.

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