More Energy, Mas Happy: Ways to Improve your Energy Level

Words by Katherine Castillo Eustaquio

As much as we want to be an Energizer Bunny so we can keep going and going and going, unfortunately, we can’t.  So, therefore, we resort to the next best things—coffee, energy drinks and power bars—but sometimes even this power bunch fails on certain occasions.

That multivitamin commercial speaks of the truth:  the more energy you have, the happier you get by seizing the day.  Since we can’t run on batteries like the Energizer Bunny, we need to improve our energy levels the old fashioned way so we can keep going and going and going.  Here are a few tips:

Tip #1:  Get some zzz’s.
The longer you sleep, the more energized you’ll feel—that’s the common notion we have about sleeping.  But isn’t it unfair that there are people who have no trouble in taking on the world with only a couple hours of sleep?  What we have to understand is that it doesn’t matter if you sleep for eight hours straight every night or not.  Rather, what matters most is the quality of your sleep. So make your bedtime ritual a relaxing one:  light up some candles and listen to soft music.  And when you start to feel tired during the day, try to squeeze in a little time for that much-needed power nap.

Tip #2:  Soak up some sun.
Do you feel more sluggish during the rainy/cold season?  Most people call it the “winter blues” but the more technical term for this condition is “seasonal affective disorder” (SAD), a psychological condition that causes certain individuals to experience fatigue and even depression that accompany the change in seasons.  Some claim that SAD is caused by the lack of the sunshine that has a direct effect on one’s physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.   Why do you think a lot of people love going to the beach?  It’s not just about the white sand, the blue waters, or the beach fashion that make them feel so alive.  It’s about the fact that they are bathed in golden sunshine which gives them the good vibes and a great tan.

Tip #3:  Workout towards euphoria.
Have you ever lifted weights, worn out your muscles, and then feel a moment of euphoria?  That, my friend, is what we call the Endorphin Rush.  The happy hormones called endorphins can be released through exercise or just about any physical activity that follows muscle pain and tiredness.  While exercising may leave you feeling exhausted after a workout, the long-term benefits of exercise or sports will not only shape your body to personal satisfaction but also increase your stamina.

Tip #4:  Eat moderately and regularly.
Crash diets work, sure, but its backpack is a bitch:  the more you deprive yourself of regular meals, the bigger the cravings you’ll have any moment now.  If you can’t stop chewing, then eat small portions at regular intervals so that you won’t drive your metabolism crazy.

Tip #5:  Talk it out.
Depression, anxiety and low self-esteem are just a few of the psychological factors why your energy level takes a dive once in a while.  If you’ve been experiencing a series of unfortunate events in your life, don’t hesitate to seek help from your family, friends, and even a professional to help you get pass the stage.  Introspection might be able to help you come to terms with an issue.  Another good tactic is to surround yourself with a good company that will stick by yourself until you’re able to paint the town red, or Technicolor for that matter, once again.

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