Pampers: The Importance of Parents’ Involvement in Child’s Play

Words by Katherine Castillo Eustaquio

Play is an integral part of child development.  In fact, it has been recognized by the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights as a birthright.  Several child experts stress that children-centric activities have more benefits in the physical, cognitive, social and emotional development of children, and the fact remains that playtime is a great opportunity for parents to engage in their children’s growth.

Sadly, external factors such as 24/7 work schedule, stress, broken families, child labor, domestic violence, and poverty continue to pose threats to the benefits of play in children.   In order to fully understand the importance of parents’ involvement in child’s play, here are some of the benefits children get during playtime.

  • Fosters creativity and imagination.
  • Shape-O toys or building blocks develop the child’s dexterity.
  • Strengthens the child’s emotional bond to parents.
  • Allows children to explore and master his surroundings.
  • Develops the child’s social skills and confidence.

Nowadays, most parents are working round-the-clock to provide for their children, leaving less time for play and quality time with their kids.  Even stay-at-home moms have limited time to sit down and play with their kids with the many things they do at home—cleaning, cooking, meeting the family budget, making ends meet—that they are forced to hire babysitters for their kids.

Keep in mind that no matter how busy your schedule gets, you should always find time to sit down and spend quality time with your babies especially during their early development when they are learning about their environment for the first time.  Playtime doesn’t always mean surrounding your babies with mountains of toys to play with.  Even with grown up kids, the best playtime activities are those wherein they get to interact with other children.

Here are a few playtime activities you can enjoy with your kids:

  • Teach baby to point different parts of his body.
  • Play peek-a-boo or make funny noises.
  • Allow baby to play with toys that roll and move to encourage crawling and walking.
  • Put baby in a highchair as you prepare dinner.  Sing songs together.
  • Read illustrated books.
  • Exercise together to strengthen muscles and bones.

One body exercise to try is baby yoga.  Doing the simple Yoga Stretchycise moves every day will not only improve your child’s bone and muscle development, posture, and balance but will also strengthen your bond as mother and child.  Of course, make sure your child is comfortable with his diaper before he does all these baby activities.  Make sure he’s wearing a diaper with stretchy sides that move along with him like Pampers Active Baby!

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