Pampers: Prevent Diaper Rash with Pampers Active Baby

Words by Katherine Castillo Eustaquio

We all know how rashes feel—itchy, burning, and very irritating.  Just imagine how painful it is for babies with sensitive skin when they get rashes, especially diaper rashes.  Here are the top culprits that cause diaper rash in babies:

Fecal matter. When babies eat something they are allergic too, the skin gets irritated through the waste material excreted in the bowels.  Most babies are allergic to certain juices that contain citric acid.

Not cleaning properly. Make sure you cleanse, wipe, and wash your baby’s bottom properly and thoroughly before changing diapers.

Not changing diapers often. Whether it is cloth or disposable diapers, not changing diapers regularly can cause bacteria to accumulate in the skin and cause not only irritation but infection as well.

Wrong diaper size and fit. There are different diapers made for babies in different stages of development.  The wrong diaper size and tight fit can cause the skin to rub against the plastic or any synthetic materials that most disposable diapers are made of.  On the other hand, loose-fitting diapers can make the delicate skin to rub against each other and also cause redness especially when he’s engaging in body exercises like Yoga Stretchycise.

Here are some tips on how to treat and prevent diaper rash in babies:
Anti-diaper rash ointments are available in the market today to help prevent diaper irritations.  When choosing the best ointment, scan the ingredients and make sure they’re all natural.  Chemically-derived ingredients might cause future irritations in sensitive skin.

Baby wipes are very popular because they are very handy and disposable.   They also contain moisturizers that make the skin replenished after cleansing.   Just like any baby product, make sure the ones you buy are made with natural ingredients to avoid rashes and irritations caused by chemicals.

Opt for diapers with stretchy sides.  When buying diapers, there are 3 things to consider:

  • The size and shape of your baby
  • Diaper materials
  • Comfort level of diapers

Remember, you child moves and sleeps in his diapers 24/7.  Ergo, it is a must that he wears a diaper that moves with him especially when he’s doing the Yoga Stretchycise moves. Pampers Active Baby is tailor fit for active babies because it has stretchy sides that move with him, making sure that he’s comfortable no matter how active he gets.

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