Pampers: Improving your Baby’s Social and Emotional Development

Words by Katherine C. Eustaquio

Sure, your baby is growing inches by the week and he seems to be gaining muscle strength than most kids his age, but what about his social and emotional development?  As your baby learns to crawl, walk, and run, he’s also learning how to interact with people and create emotional bonds.  As a parent, it is up to you to make certain that his physical development is at par with his social and emotional development.

Here are some tips on how to improve your baby’s social and emotional well-being.
Touch him more often. Notice how your baby responds to your touch when he tightens his grip on your fingers?  Babies love the sense of touch and the sound of your voice as they relay the non-verbal message of affection.  Make sure you give your baby daily massages, singing him a lullaby as you go.  This will not only strengthen his muscles and bones, but will also help tighten your emotional bond.

Savor the joys of being his favorite. As your child grows, he will start to interact with other people other than his family—aunts, uncles, playmates, and even neighbors.  You will notice how he squeals and delights in the sight of other people other than his immediate family members.  However, his most genuine smiles will always be reserved for mom and dad.  So whenever you see you child running toward you with that joyful expression of recognition on his face, make him feel that he’s also your #1 favorite.

Let him play with other children. Since most toddlers prefer to play alone, you may start to think that they are isolated and as a result, you will introduce him to playmates.  While most babies under one year of age will not entertain sharing their toys with other children but you will notice how he develops a particular interest with other babies as he spends time studying them and mimicking their movements.  In the beginning, your baby may seem to be preoccupied with his own toys rather than an actual playmate, but allowing him to learn and play amidst other kids will open up his eyes to the other things in his environment.

Engage in physical activities together. Most babies undergo a condition called separation anxiety, a phase when your baby get distressed when he doesn’t see you around.  One of the common mistakes mothers make is leaving their babies amidst other kids thinking that their kids can make friends naturally.  This only worsens separation anxiety.  The best way to ready your baby to socialize with other children is to engage in activities together so he won’t feel alone.  One example is baby yoga wherein you both engage in body exercises and at the same time, connect with other moms and kids while doing the yoga stretchycise moves.

Doing the Yoga Stretchycise moves will surely benefit your baby’s bones and muscles; being with other kids will also open up his world to things around him; and being able to move in sync with mom will surely tighten your emotional bond as he leans on you for support.  So maximize these physical and emotional baby activities by letting your child move with freedom.  Make sure he’s wearing a diaper with stretchy sides that move along with him like Pampers Active Baby.

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