Fearful? Get fearless!

Words by Katherine Castillo Eustaquio
Published in Total Fitness Magazine November 2010 issue

Fear is one of our most basic survival instincts and we are hard-wired to experience it in varying extents. While an appropriate dose of fear can serve us well—it can save us from impending threats and stop us from making foolhardy decisions—being overly fearful can also hold us back from success, happiness, and growth. In fact, some of our fears are unfounded and are derived from false beliefs; we’d rather be in our “comfort zones” than take risks. And we lose opportunities in the process.

The fact is, even the bravest of people still have fears of their own. But instead of scurrying away to a safe position, they paint war stripes on their faces and thy keep on going. Courage does not pertain to the absence of fear; rather, it’s the act of resisting it.

Here are some strategies on how you can lessen your fears and begin living life to its fullest:

Intuition is there for a reason. If your fear stems from an unexplained intuition about someone or something, don’t let it cloud your vision but don’t dismiss it either. Honor the warning signs and talk about it with a confidante. Look at the big picture before judging but don’t shut the door in anyone’s face too quickly.

If you don’t take the first step, you’ll always be in the same place. If your fear stems from self-doubt, the only one that’s hindering you from getting what you want is not your slave driver of a boss, not your unbearable officemates, not your high-standard parents but your whiny self. As cliché as it may sound, the truth is if you doubt yourself, everyone will.

Don’t believe everything you hear. With news of crime and corruption, it’s really hard not to experience fear. Still, it’s not enough reason to stay confined to your house. The media has the power to shape minds but it’s up to you if you want to believe every word you hear from the news. Do your own research and decide on your own.

Fear of failure, embarrassment, and other people’s perception. These three are probably the most irrational fears anyone could have. Failure and embarrassment are inevitable and the lesson for each one is to just get back on your feet. It’s not about having a thick face, really. Rather, it’s about being smart and realizing that you can’t control people’s mindsets. So why sweat over what other people think? Just keep on doing your thing and show people what you’ve got. As long as you’re not stepping on people’s toes, you can be bold, free, and fearless.

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