Stress? What Stress?

By Katherine Eustaquio
Type:  Online Article (Advertising, Copywriting)

Stress is one of the biggest culprits that contribute to premature aging and other ailments related to aging.  It has always been one of the reasons why we look older than we really are.  It hinders us from doing more.  It’s a big obstruction to improvement and excellence.

It’s a busy world out there and most of us are juggling more than we can handle—career, family life, friends, and many others.  If we want to achieve more in life, we should combat stress now before it gets the better of us.  Here are some simple and helpful tips on how to erase the word stress from our vocabulary and from our lives.

Keep moving.
Instead of sending an instant message to your friend at the other department, get up and talk to her yourself.  Sitting in front of the computer for a very long time will only make you feel sluggish and heavy.  Take the stairs.  Go down for coffee or fresh air once in a while.  Doing small things like these can actually make a big difference.

Eat breakfast.
People who skip breakfast tend to overeat the whole day and feel heavier than usual.  Load up on carbohydrate-rich foods like bread and rice in the morning.  They will provide you with the energy you need to last the whole day, keeping stress at bay.

Keep it balanced.
All work and no play spell S-T-R-E-S-S.  Handle work and personal life with ease.  Take time to ponder and relax.  Do things you want like dancing or cooking.  Spend time with family.  Meet up with friends.  If you keep everything balanced, you can actually do it all.

Be optimistic.
Pessimism offers nothing but stress.  If you focus on the positive side of things, you help make your optimism stay stronger.  Laughing helps make things appear easier.  Stop wallowing in the past, it’s over, you can’t do anything about that anymore.  Quit over analyzing things.  Share your feelings.  Being optimistic allows you to do more without having to suffer fatigue or stress because you’re actually enjoying doing them.

Get some shut eye.
During sleep, our body repairs itself and recharges for another day ahead.  Less time for sleep means less time to recharge your batteries.  So make it a point to get enough sleep everyday because it’s as important as drinking enough water, plus it makes you look younger.

Keep your body nourished.
Good nutrition keeps the mind and body healthy, eliminating stress.  Sustagen Premium has a Multi Defense System that contains all the nutrients adults need to stay fit and fight the red alerts of aging including stress.

Take Sustagen Premium and say no to stress now to make room for more achievements in the future.

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