Make Meal Times Fun and Interesting

By Katherine Eustaquio
Type:  Online Article (Advertising, Copywriting)

No matter how nutritious the meals are, if kids find it boring, they will not eat it.   Make meal times fun and interesting with these simple but effective tips on how to get your kids to eat the right foods.

Serve a variety of colors.
Serve him a platter filled with colorful veggie bits like carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, string beans and more.  Growing kids are attracted to different colors and shapes.  Better yet, get a cookie cutter and create his favorite shapes.

Make fruits even sweeter.
One thing kids hate about fruits is that you have to peel the skins off before eating them.  Instead of giving him one full banana for lunch, peel and slice the banana in small circles and top it with a spoonful of peanut butter.  Slice up apples, pears, kiwis, oranges, and mangoes, place them in one colorful bowl and top with whipped cream.  This way, your child will actually look forward to dessert.

Initiate conversation and laughter.
Make meal time a family bonding time.  Ask your child about school, his friends, and even his favorite food.  Meal times don’t have to be quiet.  Talk, laugh, and get closer to your child meal after meal.

Veer away from feeding bottles.
Give him a nutritious milk formula like Lactum 3+ in a colorful and interesting container.  Make it fun by helping him decorate it with his favorite stickers.  This way, your child will actually look forward to drinking his milk after every meal, making sure he’s a 100% nourished kid!

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