Help your Child Meet School Challenges

By Katherine Eustaquio
Type:  Online Article (Advertising, Copywriting)

When your child starts school, he needs good nutrition all the more to help him meet the new challenges to come his way—school hours, homework, extra curricular activities, and more.  As a mom, here are some tips to help support your child in this stage of his development.

Establish TV time and homework time
Make sure that he does his homework first before watching TV or playing video games.  If you help him start a good study habit early on, it will help him tremendously in the years to follow.

Be a hands-on Mom
Ask him about school and help him with his homework and school projects.  If he sees that you are interested, he will feel more inspired to do well and make you proud.

Pack him a “power lunch”
Longer school hours require more energy.  Pack him nutritious meals that will keep him energized for the day, helping him do more.

Give him milk that will help meet his nutritional meals.
Lactum 6+ is especially formulated for kids ages 6 and up and contains all the nutrients he needs for growth and development, making sure that he’s 100% nourished during this early school age.

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