Increase Your Stamina!

By Katherine Eustaquio
Type:  Online Article (Advertising, Copywriting)

You’re only 30 years old and you can’t go farther than 100 meters in a 300-meter sprint?  It’s only 2 o’clock in the afternoon and you’re already dozing off in front of your computer?  You must be suffering from fatigue and low stamina.

If you want to do more, you need to build up your stamina.  Here are some tips on how to do it:

Running. If you’re not athletic, running will only shock your body and will definitely not improve your stamina.  Start by brisk walking every chance you get.  When you get used to it, try jogging and then running, increasing your speed and distance covered every time.

Swimming. When you swim, every muscle in your body gets stretched and toned.  Swimming also strengthens your lungs.  On lazy Saturday afternoons, hit the pool.  It will not only cool you off but will also improve your stamina tremendously.

Yoga. More and more people are discovering the wondrous effects of yoga to the mind and body.  There are different techniques that help in exercising the muscles and organs, thus improving one’s stamina.

Exercise regularly. Stretching will help wake up the muscles in your body.  If you spend 10 minutes stretching today, make it 15 minutes next week.  By continuously increasing the length of time you spend on a particularly exercise, it will also increase your stamina.

Nourish your body. Milk supplements are not for growing kids alone.  Adults need nutrients to maintain a strong and healthy body and to fight the Red Alerts of Aging.  Lots of adults suffer from low stamina because of a poor diet, unhealthy lifestyle and everyday stress, making them prone to health conditions such as heart ailments and strokes.

Keep your stamina high with Sustagen Premium. It has a Multi Defense System that fights the red alerts of aging, keeping you in good shape and good health so that you can do more everyday!

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