Fight Obesity. Stay Fit and Sexy

By Katherine Eustaquio
Type:  Online Article (Advertising, Copywriting)

Obesity is one of the red alerts of aging and more and more adults are suffering from it due to lack of exercise and proper diet.  Here are some helpful and simple tips on how to win the fight against obesity.

Eat healthy and watch your weight.
Eating comfort food like pasta, crispy pata, and chicharon, makes one feel good after a long day at work.  But eating too much is bad for the health.  Ask your doctor about your recommended daily calorie intake.  Eat more vegetables and fruits instead of fatty foods like lechon which is high in cholesterol.

Drink more water.
Sometimes, people mistake thirst for hunger pangs.  When you start feeling hungry, drink one glass of water first.  Instead of ordering bottomless iced tea, opt for house water, provided that it’s filtered.  It’s cheaper, it’s healthier, and it detoxifies your body—flushing out all the harmful toxins in your systems.

Get physical. 
Staying active is the best way to prevent obesity.  Simple activities like jogging and bicycling can help a lot to keep your body fit and win the battle against obesity.  It will also help strengthen your stamina.

Keep busy. 
Enroll in a dancing class or go finish that painting you started last month.  If you’re busy doing something, you won’t be thinking about food all day.  Instead, you’ll only eat when you’re hungry.

Ban junk food.
The next time you visit the grocery, grab more fruits and veggies, wine and wheat bread instead of potato chips and soda.  It may take a while to say goodbye to old favorites but it'll be worth the broken ties.

Fight stress.
After a stressful day at work, it feels delightful to eat more than your usual consumption because it provides a sense of comfort, soothing stress.  Fight stress with Sustagen Premium.  It has a Multi Defense System that combats stress and the other red alerts of aging.  When you’re in tip top shape, you’ll definitely accomplish more.  So take Sustagen Premium today!

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