What Your Cravings Say About You

Words by Katherine C. Eustaquio
Published in Action & Fitness Magazine December 2009 issue

Professor Alan Hirsch, head of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, conducted a study on more than 18,000 person’s food choices, cravings, and personalities. His study revealed that a person’s food craving is related to his personality. Yes, no kidding! So read on and see what the experts think about your food choices and personality traits.

I want something salty!
Salt cravings could result from a mineral deficiency. An American study revealed that women on low calcium diets tend to eat more salty foods. That’s because sodium increases the level of calcium in your blood, tricking you into thinking that you are getting enough calcium.

Professor Hirsch’s research describes salt lovers as people with “external locus of control”. They believe that external forces have a lot to do with their destiny. Here are a few more interesting facts:

•  Tortilla chips lovers are compassionate.
•   Pretzel lovers are bored with routines and tend to lose interest fast.
•   Cracker lovers are shy people who are careful not to hurt others’ feelings.

There’s your scientific excuse for opening another bag of chips! Do go for the healthier alternatives like baked chips. Better yet, whip up your own so you can control the salt content.

I want something cheesy!
Cheese lovers are very proper, organized, and quite uptight. They believe that their beliefs and arguments are morally superior to others. Ditch the Greenwich commercial, cheese cravings have nothing to do with being giddy. Healthy tip: Go for the low-fat version of your favorite cheese. Try pairing it with a glass of red wine and you’re good to go!

I want something meaty!
People who love meat are outgoing. Aside from being the life of the party, they also have a big circle of friends.  Meat packs a lot of proteins needed to keep the muscles strong and when paired with carbs, meaty snacks like beef jerky on toast keep the energy level high so you can keep up with your social calendar. White meat like chicken and turkey are healthy choices if you’re craving for meaty snacks.

I want something sweet!
One British study showed that nearly 80% of women crave for something sweet during premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Moreover, women with a sweet tooth have the tendency to smoke and drink more coffee compared to others. Refined sugars from pastries and cakes are easily absorbed by the body, therefore giving you an instant boost and that’s why you crave for it.

Do you know that what you order for dessert can reveal your personality? Check out these interesting quiz results from www.wowzone.com.

If you like:
•   Lemon meringue – you are smooth and sexy; you can be such a diva at times but you have lots of friends who support your roller coaster ride of emotional events.
•   Brownies – you are adventurous; you embrace new ideas; even though some people find you a bit odd, you have a great sense of humor and a clear direction on what you want to do with your life.
•   Cheesecake – you are romantic and warm; you get emotional easily but still very dependable.
•   Chocolate – you are a highly creative and passionate person who refuse to settle for second best. Sensual and very generous.
•   Ice cream – you are demanding and egotistical

    In general, research claims that people with a sweet tooth are a hedonistic bunch enjoys standing out in the crowd.

    I want chocolates!
    Come on, who in their right minds could resist chocolate? Chocolate lovers are gregarious, sensual, and just like meat lovers, they are often the life of the party. That’s because eating chocolates release serotonin, which reduces anxiety, in the body.

    Here are a few more interesting claims about chocolate lovers.
    If you like:

    •   Milk chocolate – you are compassionate and introverted; you’re a thinker who thinks twice before making your move
    •   Chocolate with nuts – you’re a giver; friendly
    •   Chocolate with mint – you’re smart and very opinionated
    •   Dark Chocolate – life of the party; social butterfly

    I want something spicy!
    Tammy Shames, R.D., the coauthor of The Secret to Skinny, wrote that people who love spicy food may be after the “rush” that comes with eating them—increased blood pressure and heart rate, and rapid breathing. Moreover, some people crave for spicy food to help them cool down by perspiring.

    Experts say that spicy food lovers are perfectionists who pay too much attention to detail. They want order in their daily routine and hate wasting precious time on nonsensical things.

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