Vaseline Road Trip

Client: Vaseline
Copywriter: Katherine C. Eustaquio
Type: Website / Blogger Event

Happy and White Under the Sun
A wander girl’s ultimate summer getaway!

Road Trip Planner Application (Facebook) Name Studies

  • La Viajera’s Roadtrip Planner
  • Wander Girl’s Travel Planner
  • My Barkada’s Road Trip Planner
  • Wander Girl’s Summer Planner

This summer, grab your girlfriends and get your fabulous selves out there in the summer sun with Vaseline Healthy White with SPF24 that makes you white and keeps you white 24/7!  We will help you plan the ultimate summer getaway with the girls with this amazing application that pinpoints the must-see places, must-taste dishes, and the must-try activities in the country’s prime tourist spots.  So what are you waiting for?  Pack you backs, call your friends, and live out that lust for adventure only with a wander girl’s best companion in all her escapades this summer—Vaseline Healthy White!

Navigation: Choose destination NORTH or SOUTH
  • Choose a city, then choose popular destination
  • After choosing a destination, it will show famous restaurant(s) within that area
  • Then click submit to Road Map
  • Option to click new destination and repeat process

  • Choose a city, then choose popular destination
  • After choosing a destination, it will show famous restaurant(s) within that area
  • Then click submit to Road Map
  • Option to click new destination and repeat process
  • Once the Road Trip is final, click save
  • Invite friends to go with you on the road trip (ALL FEMALE ONLY)
  • Send/Share

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Road Trip Promo Microsite

  • Name Studies (tie-in with the FB application)
  • La Viajera’s Ultimate Roadtrip Because getting away with the girls is a “fair” game!
  • Wander Girl’s Best Trip Ever! Getting away with the girls never got this fairer!
  • Wander Girl’s Ultimate Summer Getaway Getting away with the girls never got this fairer!

How would you like to win the road trip of a lifetime for you and your girlfriends?  It’s just as easy as 1-2-3!  All you have to do is tell us the story of your most adventurous road trip through a scrapbook by uploading random travel photos and a few witty photo captions.  The best road trip scrapbook will win an all-expense paid trip to Hong Kong for five!

So get the wanderlust bubbling and enjoy the many adventures under the summer sun only with Vaseline Healthy White with SPF24 that makes you white and keeps you white 24/7!


  • Register to become a member of the [name of website here]
  • Visit the Promo section and click on the Join Now button.
  • Upload photos of your random travels both here and abroad to create a scrapbook.
  • Write short photo captions.
  • Click Upload button.
  • Choose the theme and colors that you like.
  • Create a title for your scrapbook.
  • Write a brief description for your scrapbook.
  • Click Submit.
  • Once uploaded, the photos will be available for viewing at the Contest Gallery.
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