Tricks on How to Read Minds

Words by Katherine Castillo Eustaquio
Published in Total Fitness Magazine December 2011 Issue


It’s a shame that not everyone’s born with this amazing gift.  It must be super cool to be able to read people’s minds like you’re reading a book.  The world would probably be a different place if we know how to read minds like a psychic:  Men would finally understand what’s on women’s minds; you’ll be able to fast track that much awaited promotion for knowing what your boss really wants, and you’ll be able to fix arguments easily.

Sure, there are also a series of disadvantages in having the ability to read someone’s mind perfectly but with great abilities come great advantages too.  Since there are only very few people who are gifted with mind-reading abilities, there are still many ways to know what’s on people’s minds to help you can gain a better perspective.  Here are the steps:

Start with the obvious:  Watch their body language
You know all about the basics, right?  Arms crossed over the chest means slight repulsion; pupils expand when a person is excited; people bite their fingernails when they’re nervous, and a firm handshake means confidence.  Knowing the body language basics can help you a great deal when communicating with people, even the ones you barely know.

“Mirror Neurons”
Simply put, imagine yourself in another person’s shoes and imagine doing the same action he has done.  According to science, mirroring an action or watching it being done, activates a new class of brain cells that they dubbed the “mirror neurons” that enable empathy, the capacity to recognize and/or share feelings.  Using these mirror neurons, you go as far as pointing out the person’s next reaction and even his inner thoughts.

Experience the Alpha State
According to Scottish philosopher David Hume, human perception consists of two kinds: impressions (emotions, passions, sensations) and ideas (thinking and reasoning).  When the mind receives the impressions, it comes up with ideas.   Most of us think it’s funny when one of our pals stares into the great unknown almost in a trance and becomes oblivious to the racket around them.  In meditation, this is called the Alpha State, the point between full alertness and sleeping, where the mind is more open to what they call the “impressions.”

Tune in  
The tones of your voice can reveal a lot about you.  It can indicate excitement, sincerity, relaxation, impatience, and even deceit.   Tune into the sound of your voice and determine what exactly you’re feeling at the moment before the tones change.  Learning this trick and using it to determine how another person is feeling can help you in “tuning” the conversation to your greater advantage.

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