Home Total Fitness Magazine Stay Awake the Natural Way
Stay Awake the Natural Way
Kath C. Eustaquio-Derla April 07, 2017 0
Words by Katherine Castillo Eustaquio
Published in Total Fitness Magazine December 2010 issue
If only espresso shots and back-to-back power drinks weren’t hazardous to one’s health, they would probably be the best jolt you need to help you stay awake when needed. Of course, highly excessive caffeine habits flirt dangerously with heart attacks. So if you don’t want to risk it, here’s a list of natural and healthy ways to keep your eyes wide open and your mind on hyper mode.
Take a Power Nap
More and more companies, including Google and Nike, have seen and adapted the benefits of power naps or catnaps in the workplace as a way to boost productivity. As long as the brain is functioning at full speed, a person rarely feels the need for sleep. However, the brain slows down in the middle of the day and aches for rest. A 20-minute power nap is the healthier way to refresh your brain and body rather than downing a mug of brewed coffee.
Keep Cool
Several studies have proven that most mammals drift off to sleep in a warm environment, much like how drinking or bathing in warm milk causes one to sleep faster. A rise in temperature naturally brings on drowsiness. If you need to stay awake during a long meeting, find a spot nearest to the AC, cool your head with a chilled drink, or splash cold water on your face.
Have a break, walk around

A famous study made from Professor Robert Thayer Ph.D. from California State University claims that a brisk 10-minute walk perks up people better than a single candy bar. Any physical activity such as walking from one floor to another improves blood circulation and oxygen flow and therefore gives you more energy than a calorie-laden power bar.
Let there be light!

Studies show that dimly lit work areas can induce sleep as much as warm environments can. That’s the reason why most offices have enough fluorescent lighting to make the blind see. If your work area feels warm and fuzzy, head to the brightest area you can find. The balcony is a good place to go since it offers natural light and fresh air—a two-in-one deal.
Engage in a Conversation
Whether it’s intrapersonal or interpersonal, a stimulating conversation keeps the wheels in your brain working, warding off sleep. Talk to a colleague during drowsy times to help perk you up. Writing is a form of intrapersonal conversation that can also keep you awake. Try writing down your thoughts when you feel woozy. The act of thinking can successfully keep you from fading fast.
Break the Monotony
A 2004 study conducted by Finnish researchers found out that repetitive work tasks carry as many risks as lack of sleep when it comes to attentiveness in the workplace. Simply put, routine jobs are boring that sometimes, you may feel like you can do it in your sleep. If you’re not careful, you might actually drift off to slumber while on the job. While most of us can’t change professions, we can reserve some exciting tasks for drowsy times. Playing video games is a good alternative to coffee breaks as long as you get the job done. The important thing is that you break the monotony of your everyday routine by perking up your senses once in a while.