Pharmaton Banner Ads

Client: Pharmaton
Copywriter: Katherine C. Eustaquio
Type: Banner Ads

Banner Ad Copy
Study 1
What makes a Pharmaton MVP?
Sharp mind
Active body
Intense energy
Do you have what it takes to be a power player?
Prove it.  Call in the troupes and join Pharmaton’s Ultimate MVP Showdown and win an all-expense paid trip to Singapore for you and your friends.
Visit today!

Study 2
Want to win an all-expense paid trip to Singapore for you and your friends?
If you know someone with a sharp mind
quick reflexes
dynamo personality
and intense energy
Call in the troupe and nominate this power player in Pharmaton’s Ultimate MVP Face-Off!
The winning MVP will get P100,000 while your barkada can party in Singapore for free!
What are you waiting for?
Visit now!

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