Pampers in SmartParenting: 5 Top Tips For Stay-at-Home Moms

Words by Katherine Eustaquio
This article is brought to you by Pampers
Published in the Smart Parenting Website

Despite the financial crisis, there are women who are willing to put their careers on hold and be stay-at-home moms.  Being one can be a full-time job. Contrary to the perception that stay-at-home moms are having it easy, it’s actually quite stressful. Here is a list of five top tips to help stay-at-home moms stay organized, manage stress and stay in tip top shape.

Maximize the Family Budget
Budgeting can be such a hassle especially when you are living on one income.  Susan Martyn, author of Enjoying the Ride: Tools, Tips and Inspiration for the Most Common Parenting Challenge, suggests shopping and selling at thrift or second-hand stores.  Planning your meals for the entire week and loading up on the season’s produce are also good ways on how to get more out of your family budget.

Keep a Detailed Schedule of Your Newborn Baby
Being a stay-at-home mom gives you full insight—and access—to your baby’s daily routines.  Make a list of your baby’s feeding habits, diaper change, playtime behavior, and sleeping time.  This way, you can give him the best care that’s within your family budget.

Create a Support Group with your Family and Friends
When you first become a stay-at-home mom, adult conversations and routines will significantly lessen as most of your time will be spent tending to your kids’ activities.  For some, this might be a drastic change.  That’s why it’s important to create a strong steady group of people who will support you especially if it’s your first time to be a mother.  So go ahead and ask questions, invite fellow moms over, and swap tips and how-tos over tea and cookies.

Don’t Forget to Take Care of Yourself Too
When you start caring for your newborn baby, the tendency is that you forget yourself in the long run.  Keep in mind that you have to keep your strength up in order to take care of your baby’s health as well.

Help Expand Your Baby’s Reach
As your baby gets more and more active each day, you will have to look or create baby activities to keep him entertained.  Baby yoga is a fun activity for kids you can do to help him maximize his newfound mobility.  The posture exercises help enhance your baby’s muscle development, balance, posture, coordination, and emotional well-being through the sense of touch. Help your baby expand his world with a diaper that allows him to stretch to his limits—Pampers Active Baby.

Susan Martyn, Enjoying the Ride: Tools, Tips and Inspiration for the Most Common Parenting Challenge

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