Pamper Yourself Without Splurging

Words by Katherine C. Eustaquio
Published in Action & Fitness Magazine May 2009 issue

How do you like your coffee? I take mine with two teaspoons of brown sugar (because they say it’s healthier), two teaspoons of cream, and one heaping teaspoon of well-modulated stress. Believe it or not, there are people like us who take stress with their morning coffee. The combination of impossible deadlines, pushy clients, dynamic workplace, and personal affairs drives some workaholics even farther in their field. Like coffee, a reasonable amount of stress can give you an amazing surge of energy to get more things done.

But here’s the catch: once you reach your stress limit, you’ll probably end up more stressed-out than your easy-go-lucky colleague who accomplished twice as much.

Here’s the gist: Stress affects everyone (albeit on different levels). But when chronic stress strikes, the unfair reality is that not all of us can afford to jump on the next flight to Boracay or drive to the nearest spa to “de-stress” the mind and body.

Thankfully, managing your overall health does not always have to be extravagant. It does not always mean out-of-town trips, spa treatments, and expensive gym memberships. Remember: self-care is a mindset, not a bank account. It’s not how much money you can splurge on pampering yourself, but on how much you can stretch your common sense and ingenuity. Here are some simple and inexpensive ways on how to take care of you.


Why does food taste better during outdoor picnics? No, it’s not the brand of mayonnaise that does the trick; it’s the fresh air and open atmosphere that make every inch of your body feel more alive. The absence of claustrophobic cubicles, eye-straining computer monitors, bland pantry coffee, and screaming phones rejuvenate the body and open up the senses. Sadly, you don’t have the luxury to walk around the park, especially if it’s two rides away from your office in the concrete jungle. Good news is that you can always opt for potted plants.

Here are some of their amazing benefits:

  • Improves air quality by removing up to 87% of air toxins in 24 hours
  • Makes you feel calmer, happier, and more optimistic
  • Helps reduce fatigue, sore throats, coughs, and other cold-related diseases by increasing humidity
  • Increases creativity and productivity


It’s the simplest and cheapest way to work out. It’s not only good to your cardiovascular and respiratory systems but it’s also light on your bank account because the only thing you’ll be spending is time…and maybe a few bucks on some good training shoes.

Some benefits of walking:

  • Lowers the blood pressure and high cholesterol
  • Helps shed body fat and control body weight
  • Lowers the risk of acquiring heart diseases and strokes, certain cancers, and non-insulin dependent diabetes
  • Improves flexibility and bone density and helps prevent osteoporosis
  • Helps fight depression and anxiety


Most people are reluctant to take the first step to healthy eating because it includes setting aside time for food preparation and giving up on sinful treats.  Healthy eating is not a strict diet on fruits and vegetables alone. It simply means taking small steps in finding healthier alternatives to your calorie-laden favorites.

Baby steps on how to start eating healthy:

  • Opt for whole wheat products
  • Substitute red meat with white meat
  • Include more greens in your meals
  • Replace whole milk with reduced-fat milk
  • Grab a yogurt instead of ice cream
  • Indulge in dark chocolates instead of milk chocolates
  • Snack on fresh fruit slices instead of chips
  • Drink more water instead of coffee


With today’s technologies, round-the-clock video games and DVD marathons, and 24/7 lifestyle, we tend to forget that sleep is a necessity, not a luxury. Sleep repairs the body at a cellular level, therefore, lack of sleep deprives the body of the much needed time to heal itself from the damages it incurred from the day such as stress, sun exposure, pollutants, infections, and a whole lot more.

Here’s why getting some shut-eye is good for your mind and body:

  • Lowers the risk of acquiring heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers, obesity, and depression
  • Keeps the heart healthy
  • Relieves stress
  • Improves memory and concentration
  • Helps control the appetite and body weight by regulating certain hormones


In one American study, adults who continuously engage in intellectual hobbies like reading and writing are found to be 2.50 times less likely to have Alzheimer’ disease, a brain-damaging disorder that destroys the memory and the ability to care for oneself. Exercise and sports strengthen the body while mind-challenging activities strengthen the brain.  Keeping the mind active is not solely limited to work-related activities.

Simple ways to keep the brain healthy:

  • Read a book
  • Write in your journal
  • Play mind games—crossword puzzles, chess, Scrabble, Sudoku, etc.
  • Play a musical instrument
  • Learn a different language
  • Brush up on current events
  • Interact with people and share your thoughts with others


Yes, your furry friends are not only cute but they are also good to your physical and mental well- being. Pets are highly sensitive to their master’s feelings to a degree that is almost beyond human understanding. After a long day at work, playing with your pets can be the ultimate stress reliever.

Six things a pet does for you:

  • Improves your mood
  • Helps control blood pressure
  • Promotes exercise and outdoor activities
  • Provides social support
  • Relieves stress
  • Offers unconditional love and companionship


    After a hard day’s work, who in his right mind would say no to a massage? It doesn’t have to be in a classy spa. There are a lot of inexpensive spa and massage establishments in the city for you to choose from.

    Some health benefits of a massage:

    • Relieves tension and anxiety
    • Improves blood circulation
    • Promotes relaxation
    • Prevents spasms and muscle cramps
    • Helps in pain management for patients with arthritis, muscles spasms, and sciatica


    Too much sun is bad for you but the sunshine in moderate amount is good for your body, too. Sitting out in the sun for 10 to 15 minutes can do wonders for your health and well-being, provided, of course, that it’s not scorching hot outside and you didn’t forget to put on sunblock.

    What soaking in sunshine does:

    • UV rays have antiseptic qualities that kill bacteria, molds, fungi, and viruses
    • Helps heal skin diseases like boils, acne, eczema, and psoriasis
    • Strengthens the immune system by improving the production of white blood cells
    • Increases the production of endorphins and serotonin that help improve your mood
    • Soothes the nerves; strengthens your liver; and aids in the breakdown of toxins and wastes.
    • Reduces the risk of certain cancers
    • Gives your skin a healthy glow

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