Fitness You Can Chew

Words by Katherine Castillo Eustaquio
Published in Total Fitness Magazine October 2010 Issue

When we think of fitness food, thoughts of bland spinach, meatless dishes, and protein shakes fill our heads and torture our taste buds. Thankfully—and amazingly too—recent studies show that some of your favorite everyday foods can help build muscles and burn calories when eaten regularly after a workout.

Here’s a list of fitness foods that you can happily bite into:

For fat-burning and waist-trimming

Eggs. Yup, you read that right. This was proven by a study conducted by the Louisiana State University wherein the people who ate eggs for breakfast were able to lose more weight compared to the others who ate bread. Eggs are rich in vitamin B12 that helps breakdown fat cells. If you’re watching your cholesterol, you can always take out the yolk.

Lean Meat and Fish. Do you know that a serving of pork tenderloin can help trim your waist line? No kidding! A study made by the scientists at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario claimed that loading up on protein can burn the fat in your middle area. Turkey is the best choice for lean mean while tuna and salmon are great sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Steer cleared of processed meats like pepperoni and sausages.

Calcium-rich dairy products: Cheese and milk, seriously? Yes! A research conducted by Professor Michael Zemel from the University of Tennessee found out that three to four servings of calcium-rich dairy products daily can break down fats in fat cells way better than calcium supplements can.

Chili and Cayenne Pepper. Not only do they make you break into a sweat, but they contain capsaicin that increases the body’s metabolism rate and helps you burn calories for approximately twenty minutes after eating the hot stuff.

For muscle recovery and pain relief

Coffee. There is no stopping the health benefits of this dark, bittersweet concoction. A study conducted by the scientists at the University of Georgia claims that caffeine blocks adenosine, a chemical that brings your heart rhythm back to normal after a strenuous workout or activity. This results in the release of adrenaline that dulls the pain and increases one’s endurance.

Green tea. Brazilian scientists claim that people who drink three to four cups of green tea daily dramatically increases muscle recovery. Another study conducted by Dr. John La Puma, co-founder of ChefMD, supports the claim, saying that athletes who drink green tea have more polyphenols and glutathione that help fight oxidative stress caused by free radicals. Green tea also contains caffeine that helps delay fatigue and improves endurance.

Chocolate Milk Drink. Yes, it’s true. Milk, after all, maybe the single best sports drink of our time. Milk, per se, contains large amount of potassium and electrolytes, while chocolate adds sufficient amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates. Two studies presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine claim that chocolate milk does a better job in repairing the muscles after a workout when compared to commercial sports drinks. A British study also claims a 40-percent increase in endurance of 13 cyclists who drank chocolate milk instead of carbohydrate energy drink.

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