Awesome Philippines: How to Have a Great Time in Cebu

Client: Department of Tourism
Copywriter: Katherine C. Eustaquio
Type: Website


Ahh Cebu, one of the most popular islands of the Philippines!
Cebu is famous for its rich history and majestic tourist attractions like the Magellan’s Cross, Sto. Niño Basilica, Fort San Pedro, and the Taoist Temple.  Cebuanos are warm and friendly people who are proud of their own dialect, thus learning how to speak their language will guarantee you a truly memorable visit.

Choose among these English phrases you’d like to translate to Cebuano.  Also, to give you a glimpse of beautiful Cebu, use your mouse to move the background images around.  Malipayong adlaw!

1.    Good morning!
2.    Good afternoon!
3.    Good evening!
4.    How are you?
5.    What is your name?
6.    My name is…
7.    I am pleased to meet you.
8.    I don’t understand.
9.    Thank you very much.
10.    You are welcome.
11.    See you later!
12.    Have a nice day!
13.    I enjoyed my stay here in Cebu.
14.    Goodbye.
15.    Hello
16.    It is a pleasure to be here.
17.    Cebu is a beautiful city.
18.    Cebu is so peaceful.

Additional phrases:  Getting Around / Dining / Shopping
1.    I am looking for this place.
2.    Can you drive me to my hotel?
3.    How do you get to the bank?
4.    Where is the local supermarket?
5.    How long does it take to get there?
6.    That is so far from here.
7.    How is the food?
8.    What do you do on weekends?
9.    Where are you staying?
10.    How much are these?
11.    Thank you for the tour.
12.    It’s my first time here in Cebu.
13.    I want a tour of the city.
14.    Cebu is a beautiful city!
15.    Can you help me?
16.    Where is the toilet / comfort room?
17.    Where can I buy souvenirs?
18.    I want to buy this.  How much is this?
19.    Where can I get a taxi?
20.    Can you take me to the airport?
21.    Can you take me back to my hotel?
22.    What is the most famous food in Cebu?
23.    What is the most famous tourist attraction in Cebu?
24.    Where can I find the best restaurant?
25.    Where can I find the best beaches?
26.    Where can I find the museum?
27.    This one looks better.
28.    This one tastes better.
29.    I will have the house specialty.

1.    I am from…
2.    How was your day?
3.    What’s new?
4.    Yes.
5.    No.
6.    Maybe.
7.    Please.
8.    I will think about it.
9.    I do not want it.
10.    You are welcome.
11.    Excuse me.
12.    Do you speak English?
13.    What is your name?
14.    I am fine, thank you.
15.    What did you say?
16.    This is my husband…
17.    This is my wife…
18.    What is this called?
19.    What time is it?
20.    What do you do for a living?
21.    I appreciate it.
22.    Thank you for your time.
23.    Thank you for the nice gift.
24.    Can you help me?
25.    Welcome back!
26.    Come in.
27.    Have a nice trip.
28.    Have fun.
29.    Keep in touch.
30.    Good luck.
31.    That’s okay.
32.    No problem.
33.    That’s great!
34.    Wow!
35.    I’m sorry to hear that.
36.    Can I ask you for a favor?
37.    That sounds interesting.
38.    I have no idea.
39.    Good idea!
40.    Really?
41.    Are you sure?
42.    You are right.
43.    I’ll talk to you later.
44.    Go ahead.
45.    I am from…
46.    Please come in.
47.    What time are we eating?
48.    When are we leaving?
49.    What do you want for dinner?
50.    Where did you come from?
51.    How old are you?
52.    Straight ahead.
53.    On the right.
54.    On the left.
55.    Turn around.
56.    In front of you.
57.    At the back.
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