Home Unlabelled The Diet Wave
The Diet Wave
Kath C. Eustaquio-Derla March 18, 2014 0
Published in Action & Fitness Magazine March 2009 issue
Summer is just around the corner. Have you crossed out everything on your list yet? Brand new bikini? Check! Sun block, sunglasses, flip-flops? Check! Rowdy beach buddies? Check! Bikini body? Oh no!
But wait! Hold you horses! Don’t shred that red hot swimsuit just yet. God forbid, do not kill yourself on the treadmill either. By hook or by crook, you still have enough time to get the bikini body you’ve always wanted.
Diet fads have been around for ages. While some say that the word diet is, basically “die with t”, some of these weight loss trends actually work for a great deal of people. With discipline, perseverance, and patience, the right diet can do wonders not only for your self-confidence and physical appearance, but also for your general health.
Check out these diet fads and choose which regimen can help you put the “hot” factor this summer.
Diet Concept: Limit your carbohydrates, lose weight.
The Atkins Diet is a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet introduced by Dr. Robert Coleman Atkins, an American physician and cardiologist. His premise is that overweight people consume too many carbohydrates. When our bodies burn fats and carbohydrates for energy, carbs are always the first to go. So if you’re on Atkins Diet and you lower you carbs intake, your body will burn stored fats faster, thus the weight loss.
When you start the Atkins Diet, you start counting only the net carbs or the total carbohydrate content minus the fiber content of the food. This reflects the grams of carbohydrates that influence your blood sugar. Reducing carbohydrates can be a radical move to most people, particularly those who are a big fan of fast food. It means saying bye-bye to good old comfort food like pasta, bread, potatoes, sugary baked goodies, and so much more. You start eating more proteins—chicken, lean beef, veal, eggs, shellfish, turkey, and green vegetables.
The Atkins Diet gained popularity in 2003 and 2004, and because of its success, it remains one of the most popular and most successful diet regimens today. It not only promises drastic weight loss, but also a healthier heart and sharper memory.
The Atkins Diet consists of four phases for optimal balance—induction, ongoing weight loss, pre-maintenance, and lifetime maintenance. With an initial intake of 20 net carbs, each phase is specifically designed to slowly incorporate healthy carbs to your diet for lifetime maintenance.
Rationale: Avoid high GI (Glycemic Index) carbohydrates to lower blood sugar level, reduce risks of heart failure and diabetes, and lose weight.
Invented by Frenchman Michael Montignac, the Montignac Diet makes use of the Glycemic Index, which ranks carbohydrates according to their effects on the blood glucose level after consumption. Carbohydrates are categorized as follows: high GI, medium GI, and low GI.
High GI carbohydrates such as donuts, lasagna, and waffles, when combined with fats, will eventually become stored body fats. Eating low GI carbohydrates like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, certain pasta, and skim milk will help you lose weight and keep your blood and insulin levels stable. The Montignac Diet also prevents diabetes and heart failure.
It became popular in the 1990s and was included in Forbes Magazine’s “10 Diets that Work.” What’s good about the Montignac Diet is that it allows you to indulge in certain non-boring food and drinks without making you feel that you’re on a strict diet.
Rationale: Consume food that are balanced energetically (between yin and yang) to promote physical and emotional wellness.
Practiced by well-known celebrities like John Travolta, Madonna, Nicole Kidman, and Gwyneth Paltrow, the Macrobiotics Diet is a low-fat, high-fiber vegetarian diet that consists of vegetables and whole grains, vegetable protein, and less meat.
Founded by George Ohsawa, the Macrobiotic Diet emphasizes the healthy benefits of eating organic food that nourish the mind, body, and spirit. The diet sheds unwanted fats, lowers blood cholesterol, helps prevent cancers and heart diseases, balances blood pressure, and improves physical wellness. It limits meat, eggs, alcohol, caffeine and dairy products that allegedly damage one’s mental wellness.
Rationale: Eating frequently improves your metabolism, thus helping you lose weight.
Yes, you can actually lose and avoid extra pounds by eating frequenty! Introduced by renowned fitness guru, Jorge Cruise, the 3-Hour Diet’s secret is meal frequency. Eating every three hours keeps your blood sugar level consistent. It also heightens your metabolism, which is essential for weight loss. Lastly, it increases your energy level, muscle mass, alertness, and helps eliminate abdominal fat.
Junk food can also be consumed but the key is to combine all the food groups and drinking eight glasses of water per day. Most people take on this diet because it does not restrict the everyday food we are all accustomed to—carbohydrates, caffeine, sugary food—but at the end of the day, the 3-Hour Diet provides very little claim in proper nutrition.
Rationale: Lose weight by enjoying good food.
Instead of depriving one from sinful food, the Sonoma Diet revolves around the idea of celebrating and eating appetizing meals in the appropriate amounts. Using a combination of Latin America, Mediterranean, and Asian cuisines, the Sonoma Diet’s secret is the consumption of low-calorie, flavorful food with excellent nutritional value.
Unlike other strict diets, there is no complicated calorie counting involved in this the Sonoma Diet. Simple instructions for the right combination of food and the proper amount of servings help manage your weight and improve your overall health. The Sonoma Diet focuses on the “ten power foods”—almonds, bell peppers, blueberries, broccoli, grapes, olive oil, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes, and whole grains.
Rationale: Control your hormones to lose weight and improve general health.
Developed by Dr. Barry Sears, the Zone Diet balances the three macronutrients: carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. If they are consumed in their proper ratio, they help balance the hormones (insulin, glucagon and eicosanoids) to control hunger, helping you get proper nutrition in just a few calories.
No food is forbidden in the Zone Diet, but one is advised to consume more lean proteins, healthy fats, and good carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables in proper amounts. Unlike other crash courses in weight loss, the Zone Diet is very successful in the long-term elimination of excess fat and the improvement of overall health.
Rationale: Suppress your appetite to lose weight.
Hoodia Gordonii is a cactus-like, medicinal plant that grows in the Kalahari Desert in Southern Africa. It contains a chemical compound that signals to the brain that the body has been fed, thus curbing one’s appetite. Hoodia products are used as appetite suppressants. However, they only play a small part in the entire weight loss regimen. They do not burn fats, develop muscles, or improve metabolism. They simply make the body feel full so you won’t eat as much as you are used to.
The normal consumption of Hoodia is 2 capsules a day, taken an hour before meals with one full glass of water. Successful dieters who continuously shred unwanted fats do not rely on Hoodia supplements alone. With balanced meals and regular exercise, Hoodia pills prove to be a powerful addition to your weight loss regimen.
Rationale: Eating for pleasure.
Mireille Guiliano, author of French Women Don’t Get Fat, tackles the diet and lifestyle of French women who maintain a slim and healthy figure without depriving themselves from sinful and flavorful food. Guiliano claims that the secret is eating slowly, taking time to savor the texture and flavor of food, chewing everything thoroughly and stopping when one feels satisfied.
The diet basics are quite simple:
- Eat breakfast to keep your metabolism at a steady pace.
- Prepare food at home to have more control over what you’re consuming (fast food take outs are usually high in fat, sugar, and salt).
- Eat more seasonal fruits and vegetables.
- Drink more water.
- Indulge in breads and chocolates but in moderate amounts.
- For light snacks, opt for natural yogurt.
What’s good about this diet is that it has no restrictions as to what food you can consume. You can indulge in rich pasta dishes and the finest chocolates—just in reasonable amounts. It does not post drastic changes like other diets; rather, it allows you to enjoy food (and company) without making you feel like you’re constantly losing weight.
Rationale: Eat more, weight less.
Developed by Dr. Dean Ornish, this diet restricts all kinds of meat. It claims that weight loss success is not about limiting your calories, but watching carefully what we eat. Dr. Ornish breaks down the food into three categories:
- Food that can be eaten until you are satisfied (beans, fruits, grains, vegetables);
- Food that should be taken in moderation (non-fat dairy products, non-fat desserts);
- Food that should be avoided: all kinds of meat, oils, avocados, olives, nuts, dairy products, sugar, alcohol, and commercially prepared food.
The Ornish Diet works by dropping the “banned” food altogether, eating only the acceptable ones as much as you like, and stopping only when you are full.
Rationale: Lose weight by changing the way you live your life.
Developed by exercise psychologist Bob Greene, this diet is a “non-diet” lifestyle change that puts an emphasis on healthy eating and regular physical activities. It is famous for changing the life of Oprah Winfrey.
It helps you lose weight by transforming your old eating and fitness routines to healthier ones. There are no calorie-counting routines involved, only several guidelines in choosing the right food to consume and their proper serving portions.
The program has three phrases, with the first one being the strictest. Greene’s trick is to post a non-dieting mind-set to help the dieters lose weight, improve their health, and switch to a healthier lifestyle one step at a time.
Rationale: This super-low calorie crash diet will help you lose weight in seven days.
The Cabbage Soup Diet is a crash diet that will make you lose weight fast, but it’s not advisable for long term weight loss programs. It can only be used to prepare your body for a more suitable diet regimen.
You can lose as much as 15lbs in one week, but you may also experience any or all of these: light-headedness, weakness, and decreased concentration. It is important to note that most of the weight lost will come from fluids and not body fats. Lost weight will return once the dieter resumes normal eating habits after seven days.
The Cabbage Soup Diet includes eating two bowls of fat-free cabbage soup, along with specific food like fruits, vegetables, meat, and skim milk. Alcohol is strictly forbidden.
There are several versions of the cabbage soup recipe, but it basically includes cabbage, onions, tomatoes, bouillon, onion soup mix, and tomato juice.
Rationale: Eating raw food helps you lose weight and improve your overall health.
Supermodel Carol Alt wrote a book called Eating in the Raw after adapting the Raw Food Diet. Aside from weight loss, she also experienced relief from fatigue, headaches, digestive disorders, and sinusitis. Alt’s version of the Raw Foot Diet revolves around the concept that our bodies are not designed to consume cooked food; eating them would only cause addiction and will contribute to poor health.
Raw Food Diet consists of at least three full meals and three snacks without calorie counting or prescribed portions. You can eat as much raw food as you like until you feel satisfied, with every meal containing various raw foods—fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices. Some versions of the diet are not 100% vegan and may include cooked grains and legumes, fish, and poultry.
Raw Food Diet focuses on the reduction of calories and carbohydrates. Dieters find it hard to overeat because of the high fiber and water content in their bodies. It is essentially a good diet because of its weight loss and health benefits, but it takes a lot of determination and discipline to sustain it.
Rationale: Weight loss simplified. Shed unwanted fats and change your lifestyle by following simple and practical instructions.
Developed by fitness trainer, Harley Pasternak, the 5-Factor Diet was initially created for Hollywood celebrities. This celebrity-approved diet has changed the lives of Jessica Simpson, Mandy Moore, Halle Berry, Natalie Portman, Brendan Fraser, Robert Pattinson (yes, that vampire in the movie version of Twilight) and a whole lot more.
Weight loss is made easy using the 5 factors:
- 5-Week Plan. Guaranteed to give you amazing results in just five weeks!
- 5 Meals a Day. Manage hunger and cravings by eating five meals a day.
- 5-Ingredient Meals. Eat delicious and healthy meals made with only five ingredients prepared in five minutes.
- 25-Minute Workouts. Exercise for 25 minutes daily; five days a week; five weeks.
- 5 Cheat Days in 5 Weeks. Indulge in sinful treats once a week.
5 Fat-loss Keys are as follows:
- Metabolism. Improved metabolism helps you burn more calories.
- Exercise. Helps you burn fats and build lean muscles.
- Right Calories. Watch what you’re eating.
- Glycemic Index . Eat low GI food to keep the blood sugar stable.
- Rest and Recovery. Reduce stress and promote growth hormone.
5 criteria in preparing each of the 5 meals per day:
- Low-GI carbohydrate
- Healthy fat
- Low-fat, quality protein
- Fiber-rich
- Sugar-free (beverage)
Harley’s 5-Factor Diet continues to change the bodies and lifestyles of well-known Hollywood personalities. He has turned this amazing diet into an online program in order to reach more people who want to start losing excess weight and switch to a healthier lifestyle.
Rationale: Eat more for breakfast, lose weight.
Created by Tricia Cunningham and Heidi Skolnik, the Reverse Diet subscribes to the idea that by switching the bulk of your calorie intake for breakfast will allow your body to burn them faster. Breakfast is followed by numerous activities where your body needs energy to function, while dinner is followed by inactivity.
Eat a hearty breakfast, a medium sized lunch, and a small dinner. Eat only when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full. Recommended food: vegetables, fruits, tofu, eggs, fish, chicken, low fat dairy products, oatmeal, and healthy oils. Natural fruit juices and spices, particularly garlic, are also recommended.
Rationale: Eat more healthy oils, lose weight
Developed by Dr. Ron Rosedale, the Rosedale Diet is a high fat, very low carb, low protein diet that puts emphasis on the consumption of healthy fats to help satisfy hunger pangs much earlier. By controlling the hormone called leptin, which controls hunger, the dieter can easily avoid over-eating.
The Rosedale Diet starts with a strict 3-week phase where all starchy carbohydrates (brown rice, legumes, and grains) are to be avoided. After the first 3 weeks, you can consume some of these carbohydrates but only in small amounts. However, vegetables and fruits like bananas, all dried fruits, grapes, oranges, pineapples, pumpkins, corn, and white potatoes are not allowed in the Rosedale Diet.
Successful dieters have reported not only amazing weight loss results. Those with diabetes and cholesterol problems claimed an improvement on their health conditions.
Rationale: The relationship between unfamiliar tastes and loss of appetite can help you lose weight.
Created by psychology professor, Seth Roberts, the Shangri-la Diet boldly promises freedom from hunger and over-eating. He explains that the body’s “set point” (the weight the body naturally strives to maintain) can be set to a lower level by consuming small doses of olive oil and sugared water.
Our body tends to associate rich flavors with calories, hence people tend to overeat. A diet consisting of tasteless and unfamiliar food, plus small quantities of olive oil or sugared water can reduce one’s appetite, leading to weight loss.
The Shangri-la Diet works by eating bland food usually in the form of mashed or blended vegetables. One to four tablespoons of light olive oil or sugared water are to be consumed in between meals. Fruits, particularly those with low glycemic index, can be taken as snacks.
With so many diet regimens today, you’re sure to find the one that will work for you. It’s important not to get sidetracked by the new ones that promise very quick results. Just stick with the one that best suits your lifestyle and food preferences.
Take note that dieting alone, or food deprivation for some people, will not give you the satisfying results you want. You also need sufficient amount of daily exercise to develop and tone your muscles; lots of water to help flush out toxins and prevent dehydration; and proper nutrition packed in fewer calories.
So go and take your pick from these diet regimens and start shedding those unwanted fats now! Achieve that sexy body—and get healthy while you’re at it.
For more information, log on to the following websites:
- Atkins Diet - www.atkins.com
- Montignac or Glycemic Index Diet - www.montignac.com
- Macrobiotics Diet - www.macrobiotics.co.uk
- 3-Hour Diet - www.3hourdiet.com
- Sonoma Diet - www.sonomadiet.com
- Zone Diet - www.zonediet.com
- French Women Don’t Get Fat - www.frenchwomendontgetfat.com
- Best Life Diet - www.thebestlife.com
- Cabbage Soup Diet - www.cabbage-soup-diet.com
- Raw Food Diet - www.living-food.com
- 5-Factor Diet www.5factordiet.com
- Reverse Diet - www.thereversedietclub.com
- Shangri-la Diet - www.sethroberts.net
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