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Mead Johnson Online Articles
Kath C. Eustaquio-Derla March 18, 2014 0
Client: Mead JohnsonAgency: Yehey! Corporation / Saatchi & Saatchi
Copywriter: Katherine C. Eustaquio
Web / Art Director: Saatchi & Saatchi Creatives
Type: Website Copy
Growing kids need strong bones and healthy immune system to help them grow tall and strong, and to protect them from illnesses. Kids this active need a growing up milk that helps develop their bones, their brain, and their immune system.
The new and improved Alactagrow has all the nutrients your growing child needs. It has Fibercal, a combination of Inulin and Calcium, designed for better calcium absorption for stronger bones. Higher levels of Choline plays an essential part in brain development and contributes to overall brain function, including memory and learning while Vitamins A, C, and E work together to build up the body’s resistance against common infections.
Alactagrow is the perfect growing up. With a fully-developed brain, healthy immune system, and strong bones, your child will surely conquer everything his heart desires.
Alactagrow Interesting Topics
Article #1: Understanding Toddlers and Their Needs
The toddler stage comprises of the first 3 years of your child’s development, and is considered the most important and dynamic of all stages combined. It is the time when he encounters his many firsts.
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT: At the age of 1, he jump starts his motor skills by crawling and standing alone. He also begins to play with toys by rolling or tossing them around the room. Eventually, he learns to scribble and drink from his own cup, and at the age of 3, he begins to climb the stairs.
To support his increasing mobile activities, he needs calcium for strong bones. While calcium can be found in foods like oatmeal, broccoli, cheese and sweet potatoes, your child can hardly eat solid foods at this stage. Milk remains as the #1 source of calcium for toddlers. A serving of 2-3 glasses of milk everyday ensures your child of sufficient calcium needed for the development of strong bones.
MENTAL DEVELOPMENT: A child’s first word is the source of great parental pride and joy. As early as 1 year old, he begins to use simple words like “mama” and “papa”. He begins to understand and follow simple “bring me” commands with the help of pointing at things. At the age of 2, he’s able to stack building blocks and differentiate one shape from another.
His developing mind needs the brain building nutrient Choline that contributes greatly to overall brain function, including memory and learning. Choline is found in whole eggs, beef, cauliflower, tofu and peanut butter.
EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT: A toddler can mimic adult actions like clapping and hugging. As he grows older, he starts to become more curious about his companions and imitate more actions. Some kids enjoy the spotlight. Some may throw tantrums when they don’t get what they want. Encouragement and recognition contribute greatly to the emotional development of a child during this stage and the next.
During his toddler years, your child needs a growing up milk that not only develops his bones and brain, but also strengthens his immune system as he becomes more exposed to the world. The new and improved Alactagrow has Fibercal, a combination of Inulin and Calcium, designed for better calcium absorption; Choline, which plays an important part in brain development; and Vitamins A, C, and E, for better eyesight and a healthy immune system.
The toddler stage is a crucial part of your child’s development. Understanding and meeting his needs will surely bring out the best in him today with the promise of a bright future tomorrow.
Article #2: Active Toddlers and Strong Bones
A baby has 300 “soft bones” made from cartilage, a type of connective tissue that is very flexible. When he grows older, the cartilage is replaced by bones with the help of calcium.
During his toddler years, he starts to develop motor skills. From crawling, he begins to balance himself steadily to stand alone, walk, and even climb up a few steps up the stairs. He’s now able to stack building blocks on his own, bend to pick up toys from the floor, and reach up to grab things.
The toddler stage marks the start of more active years. Strong bones are needed to support his increasing mobility. Insufficient amount of calcium can hamper growth and bone development.
Milk is the best source of calcium for kids. The new and improved Alactagrow is the perfect growing up milk for your child. It has Fibercal, a combination of Inulin and Calcium that is designed for better calcium absorption, resulting in stronger bones. Alactagrow is also rich in Choline, a brain building nutrient that develops memory and learning, and Vitamins A, C, E for better eyesight and a healthy immune system.
Support your child’s early physical activities. Give him Alactagrow for a stron
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