Do Nice Guys Really Finish Last? Not According To This Study
31 January 2016, 3:55 am EST By Katherine Derla Tech Times

Great news to the average Joes! When it comes to women's search for long-term partners, altruism trumps good looks. A study found that women are more attracted to men doing acts of kindness compared to selfish men who are simply good-looking.  ( Sascha Kohlmann | Flickr )

A study found that nice guys don't always finish last. Researchers found that compared to men whose sole edge lies on just good looks, men who are concerned for others have a better chance in winning over the ladies. Provided that the selflessness isn't just for show, nice guys seem to finish first.

In the study, women said that men appear more attractive when they are doing something heroic, kind or generous compared to those whose only notable feature is physique. Researchers from the University of Sunderland and the University of Worcester set out to find if altruism or unselfishness plays a role in a woman's quest to look for a partner.

The study analyzed what will happen if altruism and physical attractiveness are presented to women. They wanted to know which quality women really prefer. They enrolled 202 women and presented them with photos of 24 men in various levels of attractiveness. The photos included descriptions of what the men were doing such as saving a child from drowning, giving a homeless man some coffee. Some photos also included selfish version of the previous scenarios.

"We found, in particular, that being altruistic is better than being attractive for long-term relationships," said lead author Daniel Farrelly from the University of Worcester. Farrelly is the university's Institute of Health and Society senior lecturer.

The team found that altruism presents men with a better chance in winning a woman's heart if she is looking for a long-term relationship. The findings add weight to previous papers that found women are attracted to altruism because it suggests that a person is supportive and is more likely to become a better father.

Notably, women who are looking for a short-term relationship or a fling are more attracted to selfish men. The findings were published in the journal Evolutionary Psychology.

Farrelly is set to discover if the findings will transmit to actual decisions when it comes to looking for partners. The findings will become more valuable if the pre-determined preferences are applicable in the real world. But for now, this could explain why women fantasies often involve men in uniform such as the so-called New York's finest - firemen and policemen.

Photo: Sascha Kohlmann | Flickr
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