Tips On How To Travel Like a Pro

Client: US Website

First time to fly? Avoid getting the ire of those intimidating business people who fly back and forth several cities on a monthly basis.  With these helpful tips from travel enthusiast, you too can take to the skies like a seasoned jet setter.

Avoid excess baggage.  Again, how do business travelers manage to fly out with just one briefcase or the smallest carry-on fit for normal travel behavior?  It’s not even about how short their business vacation is since most of them do fly out for an entire week.  It’s all in the art of professional packing—you bring only the basics and buy what you need when you get to your destination.  Moreover, follow airline instructions and restrictions about liquids, baggage size and weight, and other reminders to avoid paying extra at the gates, which causes unnecessary stress not only to you but your fellow boarders as well.

Take an early flight.  Most people hate 6 AM departures because that means getting to the airport at least two hours earlier.  But if you’re one of those people who have a knack of getting up at the crack of dawn and savoring your morning coffee in the, well, morning, do take the morning flights to avoid airport rush hour.

Get to the airport on time or ahead of time.  How do business travelers manage to catch their planes with such precision despite the daily horrendous traffic jams?  They do so with such determination because if they miss their flights, they miss their meetings that might cause them thousands of dollars, if not millions.  With this said, do get to the airport on time for your check-in.  Airports, nowadays, are equipped with all the shopping and dining luxurious you find at your favorite malls to help pass the time.  Better yet, bring a book.

Be polite.  One of the most amazing things you can encounter during your air travel is a friendly, smiling crew.  Now, why not ensure that their smiles are genuine by simply being nice.  There is nothing more aggravating for a flight attendant than a rude passenger on board.  Simple pleasantries like responding to a “good morning” greeting is a great attract good vibes for your flight ahead.  Be polite.  Little pleasantries go a long way to board a flight.

Plot your airport strategy.  Most airport websites offer downloadable airport maps in PDF format that you can simply save on your smart phone or print out.  Take the time to study in advance how you can go from one airport point to another once you land.  There are also map brochures available at airport lounges.  If you’re there for a connecting flight, better plot how much time it’ll take you to walk to your gate before you shop for some last minute gifts.

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