Samsung Hope Takes Off Website Copy

Client: Samsung
Copywriter: Katherine C. Eustaquio
Type: Website Copy

Tuloy sa Don Bosco Foundation
Our mission is to show street children that there is a better life off the streets and a brighter future after education.

What started as a one man’s dream became the hope for a hundred more.  In the early 90’s, Fr. Rocky Evangelista, a Salesian priest, envisioned a big compound complete with facilities that will rehabilitate, educate, and shelter street children in the Manila suburbs of Makati.  In 1993, he founded the Tuloy sa Don Bosco Foundation that “aims to help these children acquire values, habits, and capabilities for self-direction and their eventual reintegration into the mainstream of society.”

With an initial 12 children occupying a small centre in Makati, the Foundation transferred to a larger headquarters in Alabang (South of Manila) in 2001.  The Street Children Village includes a dormitory, study area, dining room, and kitchen, and now hosts more than 500 street kids.

“We aim to be a center of excellence in the reintegration of street children into mainstream society through a comprehensive program of caring, healing, and teaching,” said Father Evangelista who was ordained in 1970 by Pope Paul VI in St Peter’s Square and was moved by Don Bosco’s charisma to rescue children from the streets.

At present, the Foundation offers a comprehensive programme to ensure a gradual, balanced, and systematic approach for the children’s physical and sexual development, which includes a residential programme, education, medical services and expenses, spiritual and moral formation, sports and recreation, music, dancing, acting and visual arts.

For his work on behalf of the street children, Fr. Rocky Evangelista has been honoured by Catholic associations, as well as public institutions. Philippine President Gloria-Macapagal Arroyo named him ‘Captain’ for the cause of street children.

But one Foundation cannot do all of these alone.  Every month the Foundation needs P3,000,000 (US$64,000) to perform its tasks.  Help save hundreds of young lives by donating to the Tuloy sa Don Bosco Foundation.  With your support, we can empower the youth to lead a better life with a promise of a bright future they can build.

Our goal is to make a remarkable difference in the lives of visually-impaired individuals through education, enabling them to obtain mainstream employment and similar opportunities.

ATRIEV (Adaptive Technology for Rehabilitation, Integration and Empowerment of the Visually Impaired) provides post-secondary education for visually-impaired persons through adaptive technology.

ATRIEV’s success comes from its project called Adaptive Technology for Training, Resource and Access Center (ATTRAC).  The ATRIEV team provides input and output alternatives for blind users.  A screen reader and voice synthesizer give audio feedback that enables the user to execute computer tasks like word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentations, web surfing, E-mail, and programming.

Since the year 2000, ATRIEV students have garnered recognition both in the Philippines and abroad.  Julius Charles Serrano, who was blinded due to congenital myopia, took basic computer training at ATRIEV in 2000 before he took a Computer Science course at STI Recto.  In 2002, he won the “Best in Systems Analysis and Design Award”, as well as the “Best Programmer Award” in 2004.  In 2005, he became the country’s first computer science graduate, along with the Manuel Villar Excellence Award for IT students.

ATRIEV has been successful in changing the lives of visually-impaired individuals for the better.  With you help, ATRIEV hopes to conduct a sponsorship program to deserving trainees who qualified for support and passed the eligibility criteria set.  An IEC campaign will be mounted as part of ATRIEV’s advocacy campaign. This will help promote the services of the Center as well as develop awareness among youth and other stakeholders how visually impaired youth can obtain post-secondary education, and gain access to regular employment opportunities, though they are disabled.

Knowledge Channel Foundation Inc.
Our objective is to deliver quality education to every Filipino student, especially those in rural areas, and to build a nation through television.

Founded by its President and Executive Director Rina Lopez Bautista, Knowledge Channel Foundation Inc. (KCFI), formerly known as the SKY Foundation, is a non-stock, non-profit organization that aims to improve the academic performance of students all over the country, particularly in remote areas, through television.

The Foundation helps educate millions of students through instructive programs for English, Math, and Science with the use of audio-visual transmission technology.  The programs are created to help advance the comprehension and retention of students.  In remote areas, KCFI is not just a learning tool.  It also gives hope to the principals, teachers, students, and community, knowing that there are foundations like the KCFI who continuously seek educational programs that help nurture the future generation.

Out of 42,000 public schools in the country, KCFI have only reached 1,709 schools.  With your support, KCFI can reach out to more schools, bring quality education to every student, one school at a time.  With your donation, you can help foster a child’s intellect, improve his education, and most importantly, shape his future.

Your donation is their foundation.
You can contribute to these charities using your PayPal account.  In return, you will receive a badge that you can put in your social sites and blogs using an embedded code. Samsung will award The Gift of Hope to the charity with the highest amount of donation collected at the end of the campaign.

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