How to Improve Your Leadership

Client:  US Website
Type:  Ghostwriting (no byline)

So it seems that there are people who are born to lead.  However, great leadership is not inborn.  Rather, it is developed through continuous learning and constructive criticism not only from your colleagues but also from your own people.  There is really no straight formula on how to be a good leader.  Sometimes, even the most introverted persons are able to lead well compared to aggressive ones who simply talk too much.  Regardless of personality and job description, leadership is an art form that anyone can adapt and develop in order to gain success.  Here are some tips on how to improve your leadership.

Be a good follower first.  Being an active member of several organizations will allow you to take over numerous tasks and responsibilities.  Train yourself to work with limited supervision and to make sound decisions under pressure.  Being a follower first will help develop your personality, strengths, high standards, and initiative.

Keep on learning.  This is, perhaps, a good learning’s most important trait.  Leaders are tasked with the responsibility of managing more than just his own behavior.  Rather, the higher you go on the corporate ladder or the bigger your business grows, the more people you need to handle.  Being a good leader requires one to decide on the combined business interests of everyone, which is a never-ending process.  Attending seminars and trainings can help you to learn new techniques on how to manage well.

Lead by listening.  Part of being a leader means making the top and tough decisions. A good leader takes into consideration the concerns and best interests of his people when making his next move.  Listening intently to opposing ideas, turning down futile opinions in a calm manner, and paying attention to the employees’ personal problems will earn you the respect and loyalty of your people.

Learn to delegate.  Some people have the wrong notion that a leader does all the work.  Good leaders and successful businessmen delegate because they know that in order to expand a business venture, they need more than just another pair of hands.  They need more brains. Instead of barking orders every hour on the hour, learn to delegate work and responsibility to a competent employee who could, over time, learn to function with minor supervision.

Learn to recognize good work.  Your employees are not machines.  They have brains and they have feelings. Even the simplest forms of appreciation like “good job” and “keep up the good work” have long-standing effects on people in terms of self-motivation and performance.  Good leaders know how to motivate their people.  Start by praising them for nailing a great deal or by simply keeping things in order.  These small and daily seals of approval will earn you their trust, loyalty, and respect.

Ready, Set, Goal!  If you want to be a good leader and set a good, living example to your people, don’t slack off.  Meeting short-term and smart goals are important stepping stones for business improvement and expansion.  Good leaders invest time and money to realize their personal and business goals.  They don’t just plan, they take action.

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