Foster The People Barkada Online Contest

Concept and Copy:  Katherine C. Eustaquio
Designer:  Justine Galvez
Type:  Online Promo

PROMO ALERT:  Want to watch Foster The People live at the Smart Araneta Coliseum for FREE? With your whole barkada? You can! Just answer @AllieOfAraneta on Twitter!

Allie Asks:
Do you think your friends will enjoy the Foster The People concert at the Smart Araneta Coliseum? Send me a photo of your best barkada moment with caption for a chance to win 5 tickets to their concert on October 6, 2012!

1. Participants must be a follower of Allie Of Araneta (@AllieOfAraneta).
2. Tweet your answer to @AllieOfAraneta.
3. One entry per participant.
4. Use the hashtag #NoOtherVenue at the end of your tweet.
5. Entries without the hashtag #NoOtherVenue will not be considered as valid entries.
6. The best two entries win the following:
• Five (5) tickets each to the Foster The People concert on October 6, 2012.
• A chance to meet them backstage before the concert starts.
• Hearty treat for five before the meet and greet.
7. Araneta Center will announce the two (2) winners on October 5, 2012 6PM via Facebook.

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